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Women's Sexuality Involves Providing Male Turn-Ons

Women display their bodies to gain approval from others. This beha­viour is misun­der­stood by men who assume that a woman's conscious beha­viour (to present herself in a provoc­ative manner) reflects a subcon­scious response (of being aroused and motiv­ated to engage in intercourse).

Men are the 'birds and the bees' and women the flowers (honey pot) that draw them in. But in a symbi­otic real­tion­ship it is mean­ing­less to ascribe more import­ance to either role because repro­duc­tion depends on both.

So just as the penis is often much larger than is required for the purposes of impreg­nating a female, the breasts are often much larger than is needed to sustain an infant. The breasts, as the key external anatomy that differ­en­ti­ates women from men, have evolved to become more noticeable.

The intense focus on women's bodies means that girls as young as five aspire to the sexual attrib­utes and ward­robe of a Barbie doll. Teenage girls starve them­selves and few women are willing to appear in public without wearing make-up, 'sexy' lingerie and without waxing their legs.

There is a reas­sur­ance in being admired by a lover. Women enhance their femin­inity by emphas­ising their vulner­ab­ility so a man will provide for them. Men, on the other hand, enhance their masculinity by projecting an image of compet­ency so that women will look to them for protection.

Assertive indi­viduals do not look to others for confirm­a­tion of their personal worth. Men approach sex more inter­ested in what they hope to gain than in how they might entice a lover. A man doesn't need to dress or behave in a certain way to indicate his will­ing­ness to engage in sex because his erec­tion makes his arousal very evident to a sexual partner.

Anyone who has an interest in enjoying their own orgasm is motiv­ated to seek out sources of erot­i­cism to assist with their arousal. Male arousal is so spon­tan­eous that it is much easier for a woman to direct her sexual invest­ment towards providing male turn-ons (by enhan­cing her looks) to assist with male orgasm than to invest in achieving her own orgasm.

Women do not behave in a sexu­ally provoc­ative way because they have a drive to achieve orgasm nor are they are aroused in a true genital sense.

Such beha­viour does never­the­less indicate a 'repro­ductive drive' because it signals that women may be amen­able to inter­course. These beha­viours are a valid and pleas­ur­able part of the whole picture of human sexuality.

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