Many people cannot trust the meaning of their dreams and believe
that they can be completely cured from any mental illness through dream
translation. However, everyone should in fact be afraid of the human
ignorance, and not afraid of the unconscious wisdom.
God is the dream producer. The unconscious mind that produces our dreams is God's mind. This is a very important scientific and religious truth, but Carl Jung, the brilliant scientist who discovered this truth thanks to his extraordinary method of dream interpretation, was not able to understand the religious importance of his discovery.
I had to continue his research because I was a literature writer since 7-years-old. The unconscious mind gives us artistic talents and religious inclinations. My extraordinary literary talent helped me perceive the hypocrisy that prevails in our crazy world.
Our absurd and cruel world is not a place where we can be mentally health and find happiness. We have to correct many mistakes. This basic truth couldn't be perceived by most people because we believe in illusions, we are under-developed primates, and we have inherited an absurd and evil wild conscience, the anti-conscience.
God tried to show me this truth since my childhood, especially thanks to my literary talent and my privileged position in Brazil, a country where many poor people were starving, while a small percentage of the population had many privileges. I was prepared to discover the satanic origin of the human conscience (when I became 28-years-old) since my childhood in Sao Paulo, a very big city with many beggars.
My parents were Greek and they made money. I grew up like a princess in a place where many people were poor. My literary talent and my religiosity when I was a child helped me gradually understand the absurdity and the evilness of the human conscience. I observed into practice the absurdity of the existence of poverty on Earth.
I was very religious when I was a child. I studied in a Catholic school with Silesian nuns since 6-years-old until 17-years-old and a half.
However, when I was 15-years-old I lost my faith after suffering from a tragic car accident, and I started writing a literary book with the intention to put an end to poverty on Earth. This book was totally inspired by the unconscious mind. The translation of the symbolism contained in the story I was narrating in this book according to the scientific method of dream interpretation reflects two important symbolic meanings. They are not visible when we interpret the story narrated based on its literary meaning.
I started caring about dream interpretation because when I became a young adult I had many psychological problems. My father was schizophrenic and I understood that my behavior looked like his behavior in many ways. I didn't want to have the same tragic end.
I became a dream expert a little bit before facing the most dangerous experience of my life. God saved me from hell by showing me the truth about the human nature, and the severity of my mental illness. This is why I accepted to precisely obey the divine guidance and fight craziness like a hero.
Everything was part of God's plan for the salvation of humanity from craziness and terror. Many other people are part of this plan; I'm not the only one. You can be part of this plan too if you will precisely obey the divine guidance in your dreams. God needs your cooperation, and you need His guidance.
This is a very long plan. God is trying to transform our satanic anti-conscience into a human conscience during uncountable years, without being able to tame this demon. He needs our participation. We must help God transform our absurd and evil nature into human nature, so that we may be transformed into perfect human beings. We have to attain sanctity in order to be mentally healthy.
This is the solution for all human problems, but attaining sanctity is a very difficult matter for creatures who have an under-developed conscience and a huge anti-conscience like us. This is why God works like a psychotherapist. God produces dreams that can save us from the anti-conscience's traps if we pay attention to the guidance we have.
God showed me the truth about the human nature through poetry when I was a child and a teen. All my poems were inspired by the unconscious mind. Even though I was helped this way, I couldn't understand the real meaning of my poems. The scientific knowledge I acquired thanks to Carl Jung's discoveries about the meaning of dreams helped me understand the mysterious meaning of my literary works.
Then, I could clearly understand the difference between God's wisdom and the false knowledge of the world. The world is commercial and cruel. The world is indifferent to poverty, wars, and crimes. The world uses psychological tricks to manipulate the ignorant population and make everyone purchase things they don't really need.
Our hypocritical world is so insensitive and absurd that all the knowledge we have is false. Only a few human beings can be considered exceptions to this rule. Carl Jung surely was one of them, but many of his conclusions were insensitive because he was a scientist. This is why he couldn't perceive the sanctity of the unconscious mind and the evilness of the human conscience.
Our hypocrisy makes us accept what is bad without considering what is bad as if it was something negative. We give different definitions to our insanity. We hide our irresponsibility with excuses. We don't want to see what is bad.
I could understand how really insensitive we are when I discovered the existence of the anti-conscience and I started observing various details that denounce our demoniac nature. The truth is that there are more than too many details that denounce our absurdity and evilness because we are influenced or controlled by our anti-conscience most of the time. However, we are unable to recognize these details because we are used with the selfish and indifferent mindset of the world.
God couldn't explain to a psychiatrist or to a psychologist that the cure for all mental illnesses is based on the cultivation of real goodness. This is why he had the idea to show the truth to a literature writer through poems and stories, and then, help this writer find more information in science, in order to complete her research.
There are many reasons that justify the necessity to show the truth about the satanic origin of the human conscience to someone else, who wouldn't be a scientist, but the main reason why God had to show this truth to a literature writer is the fact that the symbolic literary language is similar to the symbolic dream language.
By giving me an extraordinary literary talent, God found a way to help me understand the depth of the human absurdity and evilness, while trusting His wisdom. In parallel with the human absurdity I also had information about the brilliant essence existent in all human beings. I knew that we can find salvation.
God's existence was a very important matter for me, especially after the six years of my atheism, after the terrible car accident. When I read a book about a symposium with many different scientists from various fields and they declared that we must admit God's existence if we want to explain what cannot be explained with the knowledge we have, I started caring about science. I read many scientific books about many different subjects, besides studying Carl Jung's complicated method of dream interpretation.
I was very excited with the scientific knowledge I had. I felt I was born to be a scientist, but I didn't know I had this talent.
However, my enthusiasm disappeared when I discovered that we have no information about the functioning of the human brain and everything concerning our mental health is based on theories.
I understood how lucky I was because I was following the wise guidance of the unconscious mind in dreams, and finding sound mental health instead of trusting the ignorant doctors of my historical time. This was a true privilege, while I started following dream therapy because at that time I was a young mother and I had to be with my baby all the time.
I found sound mental health and I also became a psychiatrist and psychologist. I cured many people through dream therapy into practice.
Only thanks to the divine guidance in dreams could I learn how to eliminate invincible mental illnesses. After having basic notion about the depth of the human absurdity, I was able to simplify Carl Jung's complicated and obscure method of dream interpretation, while translating many people's dreams very fast because they had no time for complications.
I verified that the depth of the human absurdity is disappointing and scaring. A human being cannot deal with this absurdity without superior guidance.
Carl Jung believed that the human conscience should be respected as a leader, but this was an erroneous conclusion. Since our conscience is one-sided and under-developed, and since we tend to become neurotic with time, this means that our conscience cannot be trusted. Our conscience must be developed through consciousness because we are idiotic.
Thus, we have to follow a series of steps for the development of our conscience, what means that we have to transform our absurd and evil anti-conscience into a human conscience. Only God knows how to help us eliminate our dangerous anti-conscience. This is why we have to obey the divine guidance in dreams and in our religion.
God is the dream producer. The unconscious mind that produces our dreams is God's mind. This is a very important scientific and religious truth, but Carl Jung, the brilliant scientist who discovered this truth thanks to his extraordinary method of dream interpretation, was not able to understand the religious importance of his discovery.
I had to continue his research because I was a literature writer since 7-years-old. The unconscious mind gives us artistic talents and religious inclinations. My extraordinary literary talent helped me perceive the hypocrisy that prevails in our crazy world.
Our absurd and cruel world is not a place where we can be mentally health and find happiness. We have to correct many mistakes. This basic truth couldn't be perceived by most people because we believe in illusions, we are under-developed primates, and we have inherited an absurd and evil wild conscience, the anti-conscience.
God tried to show me this truth since my childhood, especially thanks to my literary talent and my privileged position in Brazil, a country where many poor people were starving, while a small percentage of the population had many privileges. I was prepared to discover the satanic origin of the human conscience (when I became 28-years-old) since my childhood in Sao Paulo, a very big city with many beggars.
My parents were Greek and they made money. I grew up like a princess in a place where many people were poor. My literary talent and my religiosity when I was a child helped me gradually understand the absurdity and the evilness of the human conscience. I observed into practice the absurdity of the existence of poverty on Earth.
I was very religious when I was a child. I studied in a Catholic school with Silesian nuns since 6-years-old until 17-years-old and a half.
However, when I was 15-years-old I lost my faith after suffering from a tragic car accident, and I started writing a literary book with the intention to put an end to poverty on Earth. This book was totally inspired by the unconscious mind. The translation of the symbolism contained in the story I was narrating in this book according to the scientific method of dream interpretation reflects two important symbolic meanings. They are not visible when we interpret the story narrated based on its literary meaning.
I started caring about dream interpretation because when I became a young adult I had many psychological problems. My father was schizophrenic and I understood that my behavior looked like his behavior in many ways. I didn't want to have the same tragic end.
I became a dream expert a little bit before facing the most dangerous experience of my life. God saved me from hell by showing me the truth about the human nature, and the severity of my mental illness. This is why I accepted to precisely obey the divine guidance and fight craziness like a hero.
Everything was part of God's plan for the salvation of humanity from craziness and terror. Many other people are part of this plan; I'm not the only one. You can be part of this plan too if you will precisely obey the divine guidance in your dreams. God needs your cooperation, and you need His guidance.
This is a very long plan. God is trying to transform our satanic anti-conscience into a human conscience during uncountable years, without being able to tame this demon. He needs our participation. We must help God transform our absurd and evil nature into human nature, so that we may be transformed into perfect human beings. We have to attain sanctity in order to be mentally healthy.
This is the solution for all human problems, but attaining sanctity is a very difficult matter for creatures who have an under-developed conscience and a huge anti-conscience like us. This is why God works like a psychotherapist. God produces dreams that can save us from the anti-conscience's traps if we pay attention to the guidance we have.
God showed me the truth about the human nature through poetry when I was a child and a teen. All my poems were inspired by the unconscious mind. Even though I was helped this way, I couldn't understand the real meaning of my poems. The scientific knowledge I acquired thanks to Carl Jung's discoveries about the meaning of dreams helped me understand the mysterious meaning of my literary works.
Then, I could clearly understand the difference between God's wisdom and the false knowledge of the world. The world is commercial and cruel. The world is indifferent to poverty, wars, and crimes. The world uses psychological tricks to manipulate the ignorant population and make everyone purchase things they don't really need.
Our hypocritical world is so insensitive and absurd that all the knowledge we have is false. Only a few human beings can be considered exceptions to this rule. Carl Jung surely was one of them, but many of his conclusions were insensitive because he was a scientist. This is why he couldn't perceive the sanctity of the unconscious mind and the evilness of the human conscience.
Our hypocrisy makes us accept what is bad without considering what is bad as if it was something negative. We give different definitions to our insanity. We hide our irresponsibility with excuses. We don't want to see what is bad.
I could understand how really insensitive we are when I discovered the existence of the anti-conscience and I started observing various details that denounce our demoniac nature. The truth is that there are more than too many details that denounce our absurdity and evilness because we are influenced or controlled by our anti-conscience most of the time. However, we are unable to recognize these details because we are used with the selfish and indifferent mindset of the world.
God couldn't explain to a psychiatrist or to a psychologist that the cure for all mental illnesses is based on the cultivation of real goodness. This is why he had the idea to show the truth to a literature writer through poems and stories, and then, help this writer find more information in science, in order to complete her research.
There are many reasons that justify the necessity to show the truth about the satanic origin of the human conscience to someone else, who wouldn't be a scientist, but the main reason why God had to show this truth to a literature writer is the fact that the symbolic literary language is similar to the symbolic dream language.
By giving me an extraordinary literary talent, God found a way to help me understand the depth of the human absurdity and evilness, while trusting His wisdom. In parallel with the human absurdity I also had information about the brilliant essence existent in all human beings. I knew that we can find salvation.
God's existence was a very important matter for me, especially after the six years of my atheism, after the terrible car accident. When I read a book about a symposium with many different scientists from various fields and they declared that we must admit God's existence if we want to explain what cannot be explained with the knowledge we have, I started caring about science. I read many scientific books about many different subjects, besides studying Carl Jung's complicated method of dream interpretation.
I was very excited with the scientific knowledge I had. I felt I was born to be a scientist, but I didn't know I had this talent.
However, my enthusiasm disappeared when I discovered that we have no information about the functioning of the human brain and everything concerning our mental health is based on theories.
I understood how lucky I was because I was following the wise guidance of the unconscious mind in dreams, and finding sound mental health instead of trusting the ignorant doctors of my historical time. This was a true privilege, while I started following dream therapy because at that time I was a young mother and I had to be with my baby all the time.
I found sound mental health and I also became a psychiatrist and psychologist. I cured many people through dream therapy into practice.
Only thanks to the divine guidance in dreams could I learn how to eliminate invincible mental illnesses. After having basic notion about the depth of the human absurdity, I was able to simplify Carl Jung's complicated and obscure method of dream interpretation, while translating many people's dreams very fast because they had no time for complications.
I verified that the depth of the human absurdity is disappointing and scaring. A human being cannot deal with this absurdity without superior guidance.
Carl Jung believed that the human conscience should be respected as a leader, but this was an erroneous conclusion. Since our conscience is one-sided and under-developed, and since we tend to become neurotic with time, this means that our conscience cannot be trusted. Our conscience must be developed through consciousness because we are idiotic.
Thus, we have to follow a series of steps for the development of our conscience, what means that we have to transform our absurd and evil anti-conscience into a human conscience. Only God knows how to help us eliminate our dangerous anti-conscience. This is why we have to obey the divine guidance in dreams and in our religion.
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