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How to Create an Atmosphere of Success

Negative thinking can colour all the aspects of your life so that everything looks dismal. When you change the way that you think, and what you think about, you can begin to see the world through different eyes, and create an atmosphere of success.

Begin the day by being grateful

Attitudes of gratitude and thankfulness help you to focus on what you have; look around you - do you have dirty dishes? That means that you have eaten, and haven't gone hungry. Are you able to walk around? That means that you are healthy and not restricted in your mobility. Do you have friends and family you can talk to? That means that you are not lonely and isolated. Meditate and think on the many things you have to be thankful for.

Practice random acts of kindness

It is often expressed by many philosophers that you reap what you sow. When you sow happiness for others, by expressing encouragement and kindness towards others, you generate positive feelings in others towards yourself. It also gives you a mental boost, knowing that you have made another person joyful today. Many movements such as random acts of kindness, or the pay it forward movement, or suspended coffee movements thrive on being kind. It is generally part of a person's nature to want to be kind to others, foster that natural instinct in yourself, in order to improve the quality of your own life.

Spend time enjoying yourself

If you are always working, and not giving yourself a break, you set yourself up for prolonged stress and for burnout. It is important to rest and to relax, to enjoy yourself, and make time for activities and hobbies you enjoy. The brain and body both need to have time out, so when you sleep, rest, and spend time in creative pursuits, you work with your natural bodily rhythms which complement a life of work and balance in other areas of your life.

Many people follow spiritual pursuits in order to maintain mental wellness

Studies have shown that people who engage in spiritual pursuits, such as prayer, reading the Bible, and belonging to a church congregation have better health outcomes than people who do not follow spiritual practices. The benefits of belonging to a community of people are natural, in that they provide for social reinforcement, mutual encouragement, and extended systems of support amongst peers.

Practicing deliberate positive thinking improves mental health

When you deliberately think positive thoughts, and affirming thoughts about yourself, you are rewiring the brain into being in a thriving state, where you are less prone to be susceptible to the negative effects of stress. People who regularly affirm themselves and are not haughty about their achievements, but are generous towards themselves in self-compassion have been shown to be more resilient in life through a number of psychological studies.

A lot of people have experienced episodes of depression, anxiety disorders and mental health
problems, due to a number of reasons, including trauma, chronic stress and worries about day to day issues. They may also have been subject to burnout from overwork, or the burdens of being a carer. Through the practice of surrounding yourself with positive people, people who are compassionate, and like minded people who choose to see things as always being hopeful, you can change your life, and look forward to better outcomes for your life. Positive thinking and the reinforcement of happy, likeminded and encouraging peers will set your course for success.

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