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The Relationship Between Spirituality and Mental Health Reflected in Dreams

Carl Jung managed to discover the real meaning of the mysterious dream language as I could prove after continuing his research, while following his method. I had to continue his scientific research in order to discover the spiritual dimension of dreams, besides confirming their psychotherapeutical effect.

Today we know that all dreams are sent by God to our human conscience in order to help our conscience escape the traps of our anti-conscience, which is our wild conscience. The anti-conscience is a terrible enemy, but we cannot understand how dangerous it is. It is our wild personality, which works independently of our human conscience.

The divine unconscious mind that produces our dreams is God's mind. God is our doctor, our teacher, and our spiritual guide. This is a scientific and religious truth already proved and confirmed numerous times.

You will escape the traps of your anti-conscience if you will prefer to be good and respect the unconscious wisdom. You have to pay attention to the meaning of your dreams if you want to find salvation.

You are involved in your daily life and you think about it all the time. Your anti-conscience keeps bothering you, without letting you think without its annoying and dangerous interruptions. This is why God sends precious messages to your conscience when you are sleeping and He can have your attention. You can clearly understand God's words in dreams now that I simplified Carl Jung's complicated method of dream interpretation.

God talks about your mental health and your spiritual evolution. You have nightmares when you are making costly mistakes. You have recurring dreams when you keep postponing an important obligation. You have positive dreams that reflect your progress when you obey the unconscious guidance and you do what helps you eliminate your wild side.

Your dreams reflect what is happening in your mind and in your life. If you believe that your nightmares are absurd because there is nothing wrong in your life, this is because you are not paying attention to your mistakes.

You may believe that everything is fine, but perhaps you are with the wrong partner and you have the intention to get married to the wrong person. You can be exhausted because you have to work many hours in a job you hate, but you believe you should be glad because you have a good salary. You have numerous problems because you keep making mistakes, but you believe you are fine and you have no reason to be alarmed by a nightmare.

You like to believe in illusions because they are pleasant, while your objective reality is very sad. You live in a cruel world and you have inherited absurdity and evilness into your wild conscience, which works in parallel with your human conscience. All dreams have a protective function because you need protection.

Your conscience is idiotic because it is under-developed and one-sided. You have to develop your human conscience and your intelligence by obeying the guidance of your natural psychotherapist and spiritual guide; the divine unconscious mind. You will also develop your sensitivity. You will understand that your mental health depends on your sensitivity; more than on your sensibility.

When you obey the divine wisdom in order to escape your anti-conscience's traps and evolve, you have positive dreams that help you predict the future and prepare the positive results you desire. You understand the real meaning of life, and the meaning of death. You pay attention to the importance of your existence.

The materialistic world doesn't let you pay attention to the fact that you are alive. Your mind is constantly busy with your daily problems. The unconscious mind must fight your tendency to be indifferent to the wisdom you could absorb if you would pay attention to the meaning of your dreams, and subsequently, to the meaning of your life.

When you think about your spiritual reality you feel somehow lost, without really understanding this matter. Your spiritual reality is a reality that doesn't depend on the material world. You have a spirit, which is the most important part of yourself, but you cannot see it. Your spirit is what gives you a certain attitude.

For example, you can have the spirit of a poet. This means that you are able to criticize your reality in a philosophical way, and you are also able to reflect your reality in a beautiful way.
Your spirit is the result of your actions. Your spirit is the way you feel, the way you think, and the way you act. It defines your personality and your actions.

You can have the spirit of a poet, but still have an evil spirit if you ignore the importance of goodness. Your mental health and your dignity depend on the compassion you will show to all human beings and on the preservation of your moral principals.

Real wisdom is based on goodness because only goodness can help you find authentic happiness in life. Only if you will respect the laws that protect your moral image will you protect your mental stability.

However, the atheistic and materialistic mindset of the absurd modern civilization is very far from wisdom. The modern civilization works based on violence, immorality, hypocrisy, and greed. You tend to follow this absurd mindset (based on the impositions of the world's anti-conscience) while you believe that you are a reasonable person because you think like everyone else.

You will be able to understand why goodness is so important for your evolution and for your happiness when you will learn how to understand God's words in dreams. The scientific method of dream interpretation doesn't distort the meaning of the symbolic unconscious messages like other methods that are not based on the dream logic.

The scientific method of dream interpretation accurately translates the unconscious messages in dreams because Carl Jung really managed to understand the mysterious unconscious language, and I really managed to clarify all the obscure points in his work after discovering the sanctity of the unconscious mind, and after discovering the existence of our violent and immoral anti-conscience into the biggest part of our brain.

First of all the unconscious mind works like a psychotherapist, helping your human conscience get rid of the invasions of your anti-conscience into your human conscience. Then, you learn how to completely eliminate your anti-conscience. You become a wise and sensitive human being.

The spiritual dimension of your dreams is based on the comprehension of the lessons you had in your religion. All religions work like psychotherapy and spiritual guidance. You live in order to eliminate your wild and absurd nature, and learn how to become a peaceful, humble, and friendly person.

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