Psychiatric medications can make the difference between coping or
not coping with life in general. They can significantly contribute to a
persons quality of life or even make the difference between life and
However, one may begin to wonder after longer term use what the health impacts are. A person may be having side effects that are bothersome or they may just be wondering if there is something else they can do that may be more natural.
I am not a psychiatrist or physician and recommend you speak to your doctor before making any changes in the treatment of your depression. However, I am a psychiatric social worker with over 30 years experience counseling people with a variety of psychiatric conditions.
Treatment for depression usually entails a combination of approaches with medication being one component. Many people in the general population do not require psychiatric medications because they respond well to counseling and/or lifestyle changes.
In the Oxford American Dictionary the definition of remedy is: "medicine or treatment for a disease or injury."
I want to put emphasis on treatment rather than medicine. As a psychiatric social worker I have learned to treat the whole person using a holistic approach. In looking at a whole person, it is best to look at them in the context of their life. The treatment for depression then looks at what parts of a person's life that may be contributing to the depression. Things like emotional traumas, difficult marriage, and a stressful job need to be looked at. In addition, physical conditions can be the cause of depression and must be considered in terms of the whole person.
As a social worker I have recommended to my patients to see a psychiatrist and to get on an anti-depressant because it would likely improve the quality of their life. In some cases I am sure it saved their life.
However, I have become more concerned about the drug industry being focused on profit than health. There seems to be emphasis on long-term use of psychiatric medications. It just does not seem right that someone would have to take a medication for the rest of their life. If a medication is not curing an illness then why not look for an alternative.
Ultimately, you have to decide for yourself what the best plan of action is after consulting with your physician and other appropriate professionals. The emphasis in our current society is on "patient centered care". What that means is that treatment for your condition takes into consideration what you as the patient prefers.
Most physicians are aware of current standards of practice guidelines and will support you in making your own treatment decisions. They may not have much experience with natural remedies for depression and may not see them as effective, but will recognize your right to decide. Often they do not recommend taking a combination of traditional medications and natural medicines for depression because they do not know how those combination of medicines may interact.
Natural remedies for depression are ones that use natural ingredients such as herbs, tinctures, homeopathic remedies, and techniques such as meditation, acupuncture, or alternative healing. There are a number of options and often used in combination.
For example, someone who is using natural remedies for depression may be consulting with a naturopathic physician. These physicians are trained in both modern medicine and natural medicine. They look to support the bodies inherent ability to restore and maintain optimal health.
Natural medicines can have side effects too. It is good to be working with a physician to address any possible side effects.
In addition to or along with the recommendations of their physician a person may be incorporating exercise, recreation, meditation, bodywork, and yoga into their life. They may be taking a much-needed vacation or making a job/career change. They may be in counseling to work on longstanding emotional trauma.
One therapy I have found to be very powerful and that has helped me in my personal growth is Psych-K. As a psychotherapist, I know that many people carry around with them self-limiting beliefs. Most of these thoughts are in the subconscious. The subconscious beliefs drive our behaviors and can severely limit our ability to lives our lives with joy and enthusiasm.
I strongly endorse finding a therapist who practices Psych-K or attending a basic Psych-K workshop. You do not need any credentials or prior training to take the Psych-K training and you can treat yourself once trained.
Ultimately, I recommend you take control of your own treatment and look at treatment options that are more natural and holistic in nature. To think that a pill has all the answers is dis-empowering and builds dependency.
However, one may begin to wonder after longer term use what the health impacts are. A person may be having side effects that are bothersome or they may just be wondering if there is something else they can do that may be more natural.
I am not a psychiatrist or physician and recommend you speak to your doctor before making any changes in the treatment of your depression. However, I am a psychiatric social worker with over 30 years experience counseling people with a variety of psychiatric conditions.
Treatment for depression usually entails a combination of approaches with medication being one component. Many people in the general population do not require psychiatric medications because they respond well to counseling and/or lifestyle changes.
In the Oxford American Dictionary the definition of remedy is: "medicine or treatment for a disease or injury."
I want to put emphasis on treatment rather than medicine. As a psychiatric social worker I have learned to treat the whole person using a holistic approach. In looking at a whole person, it is best to look at them in the context of their life. The treatment for depression then looks at what parts of a person's life that may be contributing to the depression. Things like emotional traumas, difficult marriage, and a stressful job need to be looked at. In addition, physical conditions can be the cause of depression and must be considered in terms of the whole person.
As a social worker I have recommended to my patients to see a psychiatrist and to get on an anti-depressant because it would likely improve the quality of their life. In some cases I am sure it saved their life.
However, I have become more concerned about the drug industry being focused on profit than health. There seems to be emphasis on long-term use of psychiatric medications. It just does not seem right that someone would have to take a medication for the rest of their life. If a medication is not curing an illness then why not look for an alternative.
Ultimately, you have to decide for yourself what the best plan of action is after consulting with your physician and other appropriate professionals. The emphasis in our current society is on "patient centered care". What that means is that treatment for your condition takes into consideration what you as the patient prefers.
Most physicians are aware of current standards of practice guidelines and will support you in making your own treatment decisions. They may not have much experience with natural remedies for depression and may not see them as effective, but will recognize your right to decide. Often they do not recommend taking a combination of traditional medications and natural medicines for depression because they do not know how those combination of medicines may interact.
Natural remedies for depression are ones that use natural ingredients such as herbs, tinctures, homeopathic remedies, and techniques such as meditation, acupuncture, or alternative healing. There are a number of options and often used in combination.
For example, someone who is using natural remedies for depression may be consulting with a naturopathic physician. These physicians are trained in both modern medicine and natural medicine. They look to support the bodies inherent ability to restore and maintain optimal health.
Natural medicines can have side effects too. It is good to be working with a physician to address any possible side effects.
In addition to or along with the recommendations of their physician a person may be incorporating exercise, recreation, meditation, bodywork, and yoga into their life. They may be taking a much-needed vacation or making a job/career change. They may be in counseling to work on longstanding emotional trauma.
One therapy I have found to be very powerful and that has helped me in my personal growth is Psych-K. As a psychotherapist, I know that many people carry around with them self-limiting beliefs. Most of these thoughts are in the subconscious. The subconscious beliefs drive our behaviors and can severely limit our ability to lives our lives with joy and enthusiasm.
I strongly endorse finding a therapist who practices Psych-K or attending a basic Psych-K workshop. You do not need any credentials or prior training to take the Psych-K training and you can treat yourself once trained.
Ultimately, I recommend you take control of your own treatment and look at treatment options that are more natural and holistic in nature. To think that a pill has all the answers is dis-empowering and builds dependency.
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