This article will show you how to deal with panic attacks in public in an efficient and quick manner. Read on to find out how!
If you've suffered from panic attacks for any amount of time, you know that they can possess a really cruel sense of timing.
One minute, you're just fine. You're out and about, enjoying yourself with some friends, not a care in the world.
And then, the next minute, you're huddled in a corner of the bathroom stall, trying frantically to stop hyperventilating.
And if you don't know what triggers panic attacks for you, it's even more frustrating because you'll never know when they'll hit you next.
Although there's not one miracle method that will help you to stop your panic attacks forever, I can offer you some tips that will make getting through them easier. Especially when you're in public places.
1. Find A Safe Space To Calm Down
It won't help if you're in the thick of it and everything around you is going crazy.
Try finding a safe space where you can calm down in peace, like a bathroom stall or a quiet room.
Tell a friend where you're going, or ask them to come with you if that gives you comfort.
2. Get Your Breathing Under Control
Hyperventilating only makes you more anxious, as you probably know from experience.
Try to focus on your breath. Take deep, slow breaths into your stomach. It sometimes helps to put your hand on your stomach, over your belly button and imagine that you're trying to get air into your hand.
Counting your breaths will also take your mind off of your panic and help you get centered and grounded.
3. What To Do When You're Panicking While Driving?
The first step is to find a safe spot to stop your car as soon as possible. Park on the side of the road and put on the emergency flasher.
It won't help if you're panicking and get into an accident. It's better to take a break to calm down, even if that means you'll be late. But don't stop your car in the middle of the road! Safety first, always.
4. Practice Calming Techniques To Stop Your Panic Attack
Practicing certain calming techniques can greatly reduce the duration of a panic attack.
At first it might be a bit hard, but with some practice you'll get better and be able to calm down faster.
One of those techniques is the calm breathing exercise shown at the beginning of the article.
Another way to calm yourself is to practice mantra meditation or grounding exercises.
Having a panic attack in public can be a very stressful and embarrassing event. It can lead to isolation, too, if it happens too often or if the people around you aren't understanding.
But don't worry, not all hope is lost! With the right techniques you'll come prepared the next time a panic attack sneaks up on you in public.
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