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Relaxation Tips For Busy Women

Sometimes it feels like being a woman is synonymous with being busy. Keeping on top of everything can seem like an insurmountable task some days, and getting stressed about it actually makes us less effective and less able to cope. Many women are looking for ways to reduce their daily stress so they are calmer and more relaxed in the day to day reality of being a modern woman.

Put time aside for yourself

If you can put aside a little time for yourself every week you will find you are better able to cope with the demands of the day to day. It gives you something to look forward to where you know it is for you. You will find that with a certain amount of time put aside for yourself every week you will be calmer and a lot happier. You will gather your thoughts, regroup for the week ahead and have that downtime from the demands of work and family which can be so draining.


No, I didn't type medication... Meditation does not have to be done on a yoga mat or chanting an ohm... It can take as little as ten minutes or as long as hours. You will find a meditation to suit you and you will find that with practice and repetition your ability to quiet your mind and rebalance will become easier. Sit or lie comfortably, focus on your breathing in and then out. Clear your mind of distractions.

 Initially you will find everything from your shopping list to your mum's birthday dinner will float through your mind, the trick is to acknowledge them silently and let them go. If you find yourself thinking hard on a topic focus on your breathing - a deep breath in and a deep breath out telling yourself to let go of that thought with the breath. The more frequently you practice meditation the better you will become at clearing your mind and you will find that you are more relaxed upon completion.


If you don't have the time or the funds to splash out on a professional massage for an hour then consider giving yourself a massage. A loving partner will also do the trick but if you are stressed after a long day soaking your feet in warm water fragranced with essential oils can relax. Follow this with a good foot rub and massage in some of your favourite moisturizer. If you have time you can splash on some nail color.

Its included in all stress buster lists for a reason! No matter that you feel like all you want is a chocolate bar and some Sex In The City reruns, a run or other vigorous exercise will actually get your endorphins firing and make you feel better in the long run. It will make you less likely to eat the emergency chocolate you were reaching for half an hour ago before you went on your run and it will burn calories to boot. You can't lose with extra exercise as a stress buster.


When all you've got is thirty seconds before you throw your computer or perhaps a work colleague out the window take those thirty seconds and breathe. Walk away from the situation, close your eyes and breath in a long breath through your nose and then breath it all out again through your nose. If it helps, imagine breathing in calm white light and breathing out all of your pent up stress. When we get stressed we tend to shallow breathe - this will get oxygen back into your body and believe it or not in thirty seconds your life will seem a little more balanced. Plus nothing will have been snapped in half through sheer frustration.

As women in a busy world we deal with stress every day. Some days its more difficult than others and the smallest thing can set us off, other days we are so on our game that nothing pushes our buttons. A little stress is good for us, but too much is bad for our health. Have a plan on how you deal with stress when it hits you. If you have a plan you will be better prepared and your coping mechanisms will be in place. Take time out for yourself, thirty seconds, a half hour or even a day off if you have the time. A happy healthy woman is better equipped to look after herself and her family and that includes us being mentally healthy.

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