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Getting Unstuck: How to Let Go of Being Too Attached to Your Ex Girlfriend

You can become stuck on a woman very easily and it is not a good thing. You really don't want to allow yourself to narrow down your vision so much so that you see one woman and one woman only as being your only option for finding relationship happiness in the world. Things happen and you have to be prepared for that and be able to handle that. I don't mean to come across too gloomy, just trying to be a little bit realistic. I've had plenty of conversations with guys who are so stuck on their ex girlfriend that they literally don't talk or think about anything else. Another way to say it is that they have become obsessed and that is in no way a good thing. Even if you had not broken up with her and she was still with you in a relationship, it still would not be healthy for you or for her to be so obsessed that she was all that you could think about or talk about.

So, how do you become unstuck?

First, you have to want to become unstuck because so much of it is a mental thing and you are the only one who has control of that. You have to be able to see that it is going to be better for you to become unstuck or else you are probably going to remain that way. Try to get yourself to imagine what it would be like to see that there are LOTS of options out there. If you have to, take to the web and just look for pictures of beautiful women, the kind you would like to date just so that you can get some realistic perspective on the fact that they ARE out there. Another way to do this, one that I find to be quite fun and effective, is to go out to a club. Not to try to hook up, although you can do that if you like. Just to notice the fact that there are probably at least a handful of women that you would like to date if you had the chance to.

Sometimes, just doing this alone is enough to get "unstuck." It's amazing what can happen when you can get yourself to see that it doesn't have to be "one way only." That's one of the biggest problems that men have when they are only talking about or thinking about their ex girlfriend. They are only seeing that one way, that being with their ex girlfriend is the only way that they can be happy again.
Actually getting out there and seeing that there are plenty of gorgeous women that you could date if you wanted to lets you see that you really don't "have" to be focused on your ex girlfriend only.
Next, you want to look at the compelling fact that being obsessed with a woman is not something that women see as being an attractive quality in a man. Okay, there might be some really messed up women who do want to have a guy who is obsessed with them, but those are not the kind of women that you'd want to be dating anyway. Knowing that being stuck on her is actually going to make her less likely to want you back or even see you as being attractive to her should be enough motivation to not want to be that way.

Lastly, you want to have fulfilling life outside of the romance side of things. If you are bored with your life, if there really isn't a lot that is driving you forward and getting you out of the bed each day... then you are probably going to become too attached to a woman. On the other hand, if you have many things to do, things that really get you going and get you excited, you are not likely to dwell on thinking about someone that makes you sad when you think about them. So, that is going to make it a lot easier to stop thinking about your ex girlfriend and when you stop thinking about her, detaching from her is a pretty easy thing to do.

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