Do you think that these are the best solutions?

Sex Addiction Rehab: A Look At Recovery Options

Many places in the United States offer rehab programs for sex addiction; however, what each provider offers can vary. They range in affordability, but even the most cost-effective can pose a financial burden. So be sure to research each one carefully and seek recommendations from more than one therapist.

There are differences between in and out-patient rehab. Inpatient rehab is intensive and involves the sex addict being removed completely from their normal life for a period of time. Outpatient rehab programs can range in length from two to twelve weeks, during which time the addicts are under professional supervision. The idea is to remove them from sexual materials and behaviors to give them time to recalibrate their lives.

Unlike alcohol or drug addiction treatment, sex addiction therapy does not seek to eliminate sex from a person's life. Instead the goal is to bring the behaviors under control, to where they are not causing problems in the person's life. To do this, however, a period of sexual abstinence is involved. This removes the addict from the cycle they have become wrapped in, and it does so with methods beyond the addict's willpower. In some programs, addicts are monitored by professionals and other addicts who are assigned as partners to newer patients. These partners are farther along in treatment and are where they can provide guidance and support as well as accountability.

These rehab programs involve a stay at some sort of facility; however the addict is not there 24 hours a day. Some facilities have the patient stay there the bulk of the day, while they commute home or stay in a nearby hotel or some other form of accommodation.

The time spent at the facility is used to get the sex addict back on track so they can continue rehab on their own. They do not have access to the Internet, pornography, or other sexual materials. Professionals there can use medications and other techniques to inhibit sexual behavior if necessary. Meanwhile, addicts are taught replacement behavior therapy and replacement thought therapy. They attend group counseling and are introduced to a 12-step program. The abstinence period pulls the addict from the sex addiction cycle and allows the treatment techniques to take root.

Once the stay at the facility is complete, the sex addict will likely attend routine group meetings to track their progress. At this stage, many programs will start to involve the patient's loved ones who will provide support. Some programs bring family and spouses in sooner.

Other rehab programs are strictly in-patient, where the sex addict sleeps at the facility. These tend to be for patients with severe levels of addiction, or whose behaviors place themselves and others at risk.

Before enrolling, it is essential to make certain the facility has proper credentials. Get references and look to see if a program has clearly defined goals. A patient will want to focus on getting better in a timely manner, as stays in programs can incur a heavy cost. Be sure to remember there is no quick fix for sex addiction. Time and commitment are key, and expect to have a list of goals to be met within certain time parameters.

Sex Addiction Treatment Facilities - How Do They Provide Care?

A sex addiction treatment facility is a place where sex addicts go when they require intensive rehabilitation for their addiction. Many carry names such as "facility," "center," or "institute," and can be found throughout the United States and throughout the world. Some have been around since at least the 1980s and began as alcohol addiction treatment centers, then branched out to treat other forms of addiction, such as drugs, sex and gambling.

A comprehensive sex addiction treatment facility can offer inpatient and outpatient programs. Inpatient rehab generally involves periods of sexual abstinence and supervision that directs sex addicts towards therapy and other treatment programs. Patients may stay at the facility full time, or spend the bulk of their time there for a period of weeks.

These treatment facilities can also offer meeting space for therapy groups or individuals seeing a licensed therapist. Some are attached to universities or hospitals, and may, with a patient's consent, conduct research on the addiction in order to hone treatment methods and understand the problem better. Compared to other aspects of human physiology, sexuality has been lightly studied and many areas are still poorly understood by the general public and even by some professionals.

A person can be referred to a facility in a number of ways. They may decide their addiction is at a level where inpatient rehab is needed and seek the facility out themselves over the telephone or Internet. Facilities have screening processes designed to see if a person is in need of its services, and if not, can direct them to a better place. Many times a sex addict seeks out a therapist who will refer his or her patient to a treatment facility if the addiction is severe enough or causing immediate, damaging problems.

In the most severe cases, a person can be sent to a specialized treatment facility, or a facility with sex addiction treatment programs, as per a court order. Sadly many do not seek treatment for their addiction until after their behavior has run them afoul of the law. In some states, a court can assign a stay at such a facility as part of a required treatment program. For these patients, there is an added impetus to complete the program and do well, because the alternative can be incarceration.
Some insurance plans will cover the cost of a stay at a treatment facility. Depending on the facility, the cost can be a few hundred dollars per day, or more for the "higher end" locations. Some online facilities quote prices at around $37,000 per month.

It should be noted that not all experts agree on what sex addiction is, or that it can be called an addiction, or even that it exists. Critics of the addiction treatment industry claim it's a booming business. With the high profile that addiction to sex has been given in recent years by celebrities and the media, it is understandable that more and more treatment centers and therapy centers are opening up. This is why it is important to be careful when looking at treatment facilities. Do some research on your own, talk to more than one physician, and make sure the facility you select has goal oriented programs that are not seeking long, expensive stays when they may not be necessary. Like any treatable ailment, people with this addiction need to be wary when seeking help and take an active role in their own recovery.

The 12 Steps To Recovery From Sex Addiction

Recovering from a sex addiction requires adhering to a 12 step program. Such programs have become synonymous with people's efforts to change their lives and behaviors, and have been applied to everything including over-eating, sex, compulsive gambling, and drug addiction.

The original 12 step program was published by Alcoholics Anonymous in the late 1930s to treat addiction to alcohol. Since then, it has been adapted and directed towards other forms of addiction and compulsive behaviors and has been recognized by the American Psychological Foundation.

Small details within each 12 step program change depending on what's being treated, but all follow the same template. While there is debate on what defines addiction, many agree that the brain becomes dependent on chemicals either imbibed (alcohol) or produced naturally through a behavior, such as sex or gambling.

The 12 Steps:

Step one is the sex addict admitting they have no power over their sex addiction and that their lives have gotten out of control. This step essentially defines a sex addiction, a situation where a person no longer can control their sexual behavior despite it causing them problems. This may sound facetious, but if a sex addict could control their behavior, they would not be an addict. Admitting powerlessness also opens the door to getting outside help. A person with a broken leg does not try to mend it on their own, they call a doctor because they do not have the skills to heal themselves. It is no different with a sex addiction.
Step two is acknowledging there is a "higher power" that can help the addict with their addiction. This and the next step may be two of the least understood, as "higher power" generally refers to God.

While many going through the 12 step program turn to the Christian faith, anything can serve as the higher power. A person can look to the sun, a favorite object, anything they can mentally equate with a power above themselves. Some neurologists have said the human brain is hardwired towards religion, and because of this it can be used as a powerful tool in influencing behavior.

A higher power plays the role of a neutral yet supportive third part in the sex addict's life. It is not the addicts themselves, nor is it their therapist, nor is it a loved one the addict may have wronged or someone who will judge them.

The third step is giving themselves over to that higher power, as they understand it. Many sex addicts begin reading the Bible and attending religious services of their faith. Others will take up a different spiritual text as their understand of their higher power. The book or the faith or belief is not important here, what is important is that the reliance on self get turned over to a reliance on a higher power. Most religions have set guidelines on sexual conduct, as well as other aspects of life, and make for a ready made code of conduct a person can adhere to, at least until their lives are under their control once more.

Step four is where the sex addict gets to the "nitty gritty" of their problem and comes to see what it looks like from the outside by completing a "moral inventory" of themselves. This inventory documents their life and how and when their sexual habits, failings, and other common behaviors began in an effort to see the big picture and have an accurate understanding of what it is. Typically, a deadline is put on this step, as many addicts tend to get hung up on it, either because they find it difficult to examine themselves this way, or feel the need to be too thorough.

The fifth step involves taking that inventory and showing it to someone else, either a spouse, sponsor, clergy or trusted confidant, or even another sex addict further along in their treatment. This is done for a number of reasons. If a sex addict can share this, it means they are comfortable with it to a degree and will be able to open up further because seeing the behavior inventory may not be enough to let the sex addict truly see their problem or recognize patterns in their behavior. When it comes to the familiar, an addict sees what they intend rather than what really is. It's the same as when an athlete needs a coach to check their stance or swing or attitude for their sport. So the sex addict needs another pair of eyes on their moral inventory to catch things and gain feedback from a different perspective.

Steps six and seven of the original Alcoholics Anonymous version are asking the higher power or God to remove the addict's defects and to forgive them. Other, more secular minded versions describe these steps as similar transition periods. The sex addict goes from identifying the problem to recognizing that they, themselves, are now past that stage and can now expend energy enacting change. The addict is taught to see that the mistakes have been made cannot be unmade, and wishing to change the past is a waste of energy. While it's not a "clear slate," it is a shift of focus onto the present, which can be affected by the sex addict.

Step eight, while at first may seem like a look back, is actually for the addict to compile a list of people their sex addiction has harmed. This may be family they've neglected, spouses cheated on, and in extreme cases, victims of their sexual abuse. This step is sometimes broken down into smaller segments, identifying the types of relationships harmed by the sex addiction. In the case of deceased loved ones or people the addict cannot have contact with, this step serves as an emotional release by further letting the addict see the extent of the damage their behavior has caused.

The ninth step is an extension of the eighth, and involves making amends with the people identified in that step, when possible. It could be something as simple as a verbal apology, and may not be something that can be accomplished in a moment, a day, or even months. This step is distinctive to the individuals involved, and not completely possible in all cases.

Step 10 is continuing the list from step five, and admitting when a mistake has been made. This can expand beyond sexual behavior and include any kind of non-desirable actions or emotions. Negative feelings are what led the sex addict to compulsively seek the numbing behavior to start with. And being able to identify those trouble spots and handle them in a way that doesn't feed a new addiction cycle is key. Sex addiction often comes with other forms of addiction, or can spin off into those other forms if the root cause is not being monitored.

Prayer and meditation are Step 11 in the program. Many call prayer and meditation one and the same, but whichever route the sex addict chooses, they should set aside time each day for quiet reflection. A daily pause is used as an anchor to keep the complexities of the addict's outside world from becoming overwhelming. This step lets the sex addict remind themselves of their progress and the tools they have to fight their compulsions.

The final step is working with other sex addicts, or passing on some of the knowledge the addict has gained. The selfless side of this is ensures a pool of experienced teachers well versed in the subject matter who can perpetuate the program. The benefit to the addict doing the teaching is the same as to teacher; the one imparting the wisdom in turn learns more about what they've come to know. Having to articulate to another person what one has learned makes a person think about benefits in ways they hadn't before, and leads to greater understanding.

Those are the basic 12 steps found in addiction recovery programs. Many are closely related, but together they show a progression. It should be noted this programs not a "do these 12 things and you're cured" prescription, but at the higher levels are a lifelong set of behaviors. They may play a less active role in the recovering sex addict's life as time goes on, but the inventory, meditation, and teaching tend to be in the background for a long time.

Four Magical Tips to Improve Your Memory

Aristotle's famous quote "Man is by nature a social animal" is quite true. We all are animals, but the thing that separates us from animals is the ability to use our brains. God has given us a brain which we can use and achieve the impossible. It was only a human brain that invented computers, a gadget that totally changed the life of human beings.

An important part of a having a good brain is to have a good memory. Today, in this competitive world everyone wants to stay ahead of others and that is only possible if you have a good memory. Even in the professional world one has to be mentally sharp in order to be a successful professional. There are different ways through which you can increase your memory power. Applying the below mentioned four tips can help you to achieve success in the academic as well as professional life.

Tip 1: Do not skip exercise and sleep. Both of them are equally important to nurture your brain. Exercising every day helps to intake oxygen in adequate amount inside your brain thereby activating the brain cells and thus improving the memory power.

Not having adequate sleep weakens the brain cells thereby reducing the creative capacity, problem solving abilities and analytical skills. Research has shown that during a deep sleep important memory enhancing activity takes place.

Tip 2: Keep good relationship with people. A study done by Harvard School of Public Health shows that people engaged in social life or interacting with others have a very good memory power. There are numerous ways on how we can improve the memory by frequent interactions with people such as joining an NGO and indulging in some activity or speaking with friends and relatives over the phone.
Laughing is yet another interesting way that always keeps the brain active and the memory sharp. Listening to jokes stimulates parts of the brain. If you are not able to do it then you can start laughing at yourself by explaining the most embarrassing situations of your life to friends.

Tip 3: Avoid taking too much stress. Taking too much stress destroys hippocampus, part of the brain from where all the creative ideas come out. Meditation is one of the most effective ways to drive away stress from the body. Studies have shown that people who meditate regularly enjoy life to the fullest.

Many people go in to depression and suffer from fatigue by taking too much stress as a result of which they are not able to focus on any work that they perform.

Tip 4: Have a healthy diet. Just as protein is necessary in order to have a muscular body; in the same way, our brain also needs quality food to keep it active all the time. Eating fruits and vegetables helps to prevent the cells of the brain from getting damaged. Green tea also works wonderfully and helps to improve the memory.

Consuming wine in moderation also helps to activate the brain cells, but it should not be consumed daily.

Hence applying the four simple tips you can see a drastic change in your memory in just a few days.

Tips for Protecting Yourself Financially

If someone called you and said they were from your credit card company or bank, and they had a problem to discuss, would you give them confidential, personal information over the phone?
Don't be too quick to think it couldn't happen to you. One type of scam involves imposters posing as bank reps who call targeted victims about "problems" with their credit cards. They read off a list of phony charges made on the person's credit card to gain the card member's attention and card information. The person naturally gets upset and isn't thinking clearly so they give the caller their credit card numbers to help resolve the problem.

If the caller sounds especially friendly, convincing and kind, that may be the all it takes to separate that person from his or her hard-earned savings. Even the savviest person isn't immune to these scams because fraudulent cat and mouse games are always changing. Many scams purposely target seniors who have been known to be sympathetic to scammers.

This is one of the more common financial frauds aimed at grandparents. After listening to a sad tale on the phone about their "grandchild," the grandparent withdraws a large amount of cash from their bank and wires it to the bogus "granddaughter" or "grandson" who is "stranded" abroad in need of money. The grandchild has supposedly lost their wallet or passport abroad or they have been robbed of everything including their plane ticket. This is also a common email scam.

Unfortunately, even though some frauds have been around for years, there is always someone who is vulnerable to talking to a nice-sounding caller from a well-known company like a bank, credit card company, insurance agency or government organization who isn't who he says he is. But that caller has only one goal in mind: to gain access to your social security number and/or financial information.

How and Why Seniors are Targeted

Crooks use a variety of financial theft strategies. Here are some ways they get seniors and others to trust them.
  • They purchase databases like direct mail focused on older adults or they buy lists of higher priced retirement communities or wealthy neighborhoods. They visit senior centers or health care centers where wealthy donors may be recognized on a wall or plaque to gain names of people who might be good targets.
  • After a natural disaster, people are targeted to give money to a "fake" charity. Some scammers gain access to records of who has contributed to charities in the past. After the historic floods in Colorado in September, some telemarketers called people asking for credit card numbers to charge a donation. These callers were not usually legitimate.
  • Unfortunately, seniors are often targets of scams because they may easily get confused and they want to trust the person they are talking to.
  • People who live alone and are lonely may often be targets of fraudulent callers because they are known to respond to "nice-sounding" people.
  • Many scams are Medicare or health-based. Because seniors have more medical issues it may seem natural to them to get calls about their health and the caller requests personal information.
  • They want to make sure their bills get paid so when in doubt they give out confidential information when they shouldn't.
Tips for Protecting Yourself
  • First off, never give personal banking anyone on the phone. Most banks only ask for personal information when absolutely necessary such as when you are opening or changing an account. The do not ask for personal information over the phone or by email because they recognize that both forms of communication are not completely not secure.
  • Remember, financial institutions will not ask for non-public information by phone, e-mail or through a Web site. When in doubt, call your bank and ask if they've contacted you. Chances are they haven't.
  • If an offer sounds good don't quickly react. Tell the caller to send it to you in writing.
  • Don't reply to phone or email messages that don't seem quite right to you. If everyone did that, you would put the crooks out of business. From their perspective, it just wouldn't pay to keep doing what they're doing.
  • If you want to make a donation to a charity, don't make the donation with a credit card or give out financial information over the phone.
  • Stay up-to-date on your financial matters. Monitor your credit card and bank statements on a regular basis.
Keeping Elderly Parents & Friends Financially Safe
  • Make regular in-person visits. Spend time with senior family members and friends. Make sure they are not lonely. You can do this by phone if you live out of the area, but in-person, open communication, is even better.
  • Sit down with elderly parents and talk about how financial scams can occur. Let them know you are available to discuss any great "opportunity" they may have heard about.
  • Put notes by the phones that say "Never Give Personal Banking Information to ANYONE."
  • If a senior doesn't have close friends or family members close by they trust, suggest that they get an attorney to act as power of attorney as needed.
  • Set up an annual or monthly budget for donations the person has an interest in. The senior has final say over their money but through a series of limited donations they can enjoy giving back to their community but just not over the phone to potential scammers.
Even though you are aware of how important it is to stay ahead of financial scams, fraudulent activity is gaining momentum. If no one was responding to requests for personal financial information, the scams would stop. Stay sharp, stay aware. Don't be tempted to give scammers valuable information and the opportunity to take what they want.

Massage Therapy: A Guide to Its Health Benefits

Body massage is a popular way to relax and get relief from pain and stress. But studies have shown that it is much more than that. In fact, a growing number of people are waking up to its therapeutic uses. Massage therapy at the hand of trained professionals can improve your overall wellbeing by providing relief from stress and migraine, improving your body posture, improving your blood circulation, decreasing your blood pressure and strengthening your immune system.

1. Provides relief from stress

Constant stress is bad for your physical and emotional wellbeing. It affects our body, mood and behavior. You can become anxious, irritated, restless, angry, sad and depressed. Physically, you may suffer from headache, chest pain, stomach ache, fatigue, inability to sleep, loss of appetite and loss of sexual desire. Massage therapy can relax your muscles, lower your heart rate and increases the production of endorphin, which is your body's natural feel good chemical. It also helps release serotonin and dopamine, chemicals that make it easier to overcome stress.

2. Helps improve posture

Today's work environment contributes to bad posture, which is bad not only for appearance but for your health as well. It forces some of your muscles to work harder than others, resulting in undue pressure on your internal organs, digestive system, blood circulation and breathing. Massage therapy loosens the muscles made stiff by bad posture, allows the joints to move more freely and relieves pain from pressure points. As a result, your body regains its pain-free natural posture.

3. Helps improve blood circulation and lower blood pressure:

Poor blood circulation can result in fatigue, ache, discomfort and lack of energy. Massage therapy facilitates blood circulation by putting pressure on blood to move through congested areas. It also helps improve the circulation of lymph fluids that carry away metabolic wastes from muscles and internal organs by flushing out the lactic acid accumulated in the muscles, which results in better blood circulation and improved body functions. Massage therapy can also decrease both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

4. Provides relief from migraine:

Migraine is a neurological disorder that is characterized by chronic headache, which can be debilitating. It is often caused by high stress and lack of sleep. Massage therapy helps cure migraine by relaxing your nerves and by freeing your body from stress and pain, especially in the neck, shoulders and head area.

5. Helps strengthen the immune system:

Studies have shown that massage therapy increases the body's immune system by increasing the production of the natural killer cells (which fight disease-causing germs) and decreasing the number of T-cells that lower the capacity to fight diseases. By doing so, it enhances the body's ability to get nourishment, which improves overall health.

In addition to the above, regular massage therapy can make you healthier, stronger and happier by improving your breathing and flexibility of motion, relaxing your muscles and calming you mind. It has also been found to expedite post-operative recovery and healing of other injuries by helping deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the body's tissues and vital organs.

The Misdiagnosis of Mental Disorders

Over a third of medical problems that present to physicians in their offices and/or the hospitals are due to mental disorders. Doctors usually treat the patients' symptoms in hopes to make them feel better, without completely knowing the source of their problems. After running numerous tests and reviewing inconclusive results, physicians release their patients by telling them either nothing is wrong with them or following-up with them in hopes their symptoms will dissipate.

The causes of mental illnesses can come from numerous things. One being family history, two being past or present problems they may be facing, and three being sleep deprivation. The most uncontrollable cause of mental disorders is family history. It can take its toll on family members by seeing their loved ones suffering with a disorder, and then they live with the fear of knowing they may have inherited some form of it. Depression and stress can cause medical issues, such as fluctuations in blood pressure, headaches, and abdominal pains that can cause multiple visits to the doctor's office, and even the emergency room, just to be told nothing is found to be wrong. Sleep deprivation can cause multiple health issues with our bodies, as well. If we do not get sufficient rest, our bodily systems will not work properly, and we will not be able to function correctly. Without sleep, we can become sluggish, tired, and achy. Our immune systems will not function properly, therefore, we will have a harder time fighting off infections and develop preventable illnesses, like the common cold or even pneumonia.

In most instances, the person is unaware of their psychiatric problem. It is usually noticed by a family member or someone who is close to them. These relatives normally tell the physician of the subtle changes in the patient's personality and behavior that they have seen and of any other influential changes that may have occurred in the patient's life, such as death of a loved one. This will make it easier for the doctors, and they can do a Mini-Mental Examination in their office to test for any mental disorders. If they believe the patient has a mental issue, they can treat it with drugs and/or refer to a Psychiatrist for therapy and further treatment.

Physicians can diagnose mental issues on their own, but it may be a little harder, if they are a new patient who they are unfamiliar with. That is why it is good to take a really good personal and past medical history and ask pertinent questions about the patient's experiences. It is wise to not only question about the reasons they present to the doctor, but also other issues around them they may be causing these issues. If there are any personal struggles they are enduring, of course this will affect their behavior and later their health. Some mental disorders can be cured, therefore their medical issues will subside along with it.

So try to be as honest and forthcoming with your doctor. This will not only treat whatever symptoms, you may already be experiencing, but also prevent any other issues that might be arising due to depression, stress, or lack of sleep. These mental disorders can stop being misdiagnosed and be treated earlier and more sufficiently. This will prevent worsening of their mental condition, such as a brain tumor, Epilepsy, Bipolar or Schizophrenia, or the causing of another psychiatric problem by prolonging treatment.

Recovery From Sex Addiction: Challenges In The Recovery Process

Recovering from sex addiction is a process, and a long one. Those seeking a quick fix will not find one, and may slip back into their addiction cycles for a time before coming to realize it.

The first step to real recovery is not just admitting you have a problem. Sex addiction involves a person engaging in sex acts compulsively, and being unable or unwilling to recognize negative consequences stemming from their actions. When an addict finally realizes his or her life is out of control and that negative consequences are showing up as a direct result of sexually obsessive and compulsive behaviors, the addict either make a change and get help or uses the shame and anguish to continue to act out more on unwanted sexual behaviors. The sexual behaviors, often called acting out, are usually as a result of medicating unwanted feelings or to fill a voice in the addict's live. This begins what is called the cycle of addiction.

True recovery begins when an individual admits s/he needs help and does not have the ability to stop without help. A sex addict may be able to refrain from sex for short periods of time, but in the end his or her willpower breaks down, and the addict will indulge, sometimes at higher levels than normal. If a sex addict was able to halt the behavior with no help, it would mean is wasn't a real addicted to begin with.

In a perfect world, a sex addict, after recognizing what they need to do, would enter treatment, be it a rehab facility or counseling, and would follow the steps given and work to get their sexual behavior back to a manageable level.

Of course the world is not perfect, and so someone in recovery should expect (but not ignore or write off) some slips and stalls along the way. A good therapist, and any good rehab program, recognize there will challenges, temptations, slips, and falls. Failure only comes when sex addicts give up and give themselves over to the addiction cycle.

The recovery program for this addiction looks a lot like alcoholism recovery, and many addiction treatments are modeled after the programs developed to treat alcoholism. A 12-step program is involved, along with giving oneself over to a higher power. Recovering from sex addiction requires admitting powerlessness, but that in turn acknowledges a source of power.

For some, the use of religion in therapy can be a challenge. If a person is not particularly inclined to believe in religion, they may be skeptical about its ability to help them. One of the reasons religion has been used is simply because it works. Any religion can be used, as most have standards concerning sexual activity; for the more secular minded, a "higher power" can be a power other than religion. By transferring power and authority to this third party some weight is added to the sex addict's mind. The higher power is above their therapist and above themselves, and can be used as something to focus on during rough periods.

A sex addict may work with therapists to come up with a new set of rules to follow designed to curb their indulgence. While "no porn" and "no masturbation" are some obvious rules, an addict may have other boundaries outlined for themselves as well. For example, if they have a spouse, there may have a rule saying they must tell their spouse when they are going to use the computer for any reason and when they stop using the computer. If they cheat, even a little, they record this as a slip which they talk about in therapy and with those helping them through their addiction.

Slips can be dangerous as they thwart the progress of the addict. Sex addicts can fully indulge in any of their old addictive behaviors and then feel great levels of shame and remorse or feeling like a failure.

The addict has been using their sexual behaviors to numb their feelings or to find something they've been longing for. They keep themselves stuck in trying to bury feelings that will not be processed properly when using sex to medicate or numb their feelings. Once a strong support system is in place and they begin to have faith in a program of recovery, they will begin to recognize they are using sex for the above purposes and find alternative methods to get help.

A person can reach and comfortably maintain a healthy level of sexual activity. Often an addict's behavior is being driven by some other problem, and until that one is addressed they may run the risk of slipping back into sex addiction.

Sex Addiction Rehab: A Look At Recovery Options

Many places in the United States offer rehab programs for sex addiction; however, what each provider offers can vary. They range in affordability, but even the most cost-effective can pose a financial burden. So be sure to research each one carefully and seek recommendations from more than one therapist.

There are differences between in and out-patient rehab. Inpatient rehab is intensive and involves the sex addict being removed completely from their normal life for a period of time. Outpatient rehab programs can range in length from two to twelve weeks, during which time the addicts are under professional supervision. The idea is to remove them from sexual materials and behaviors to give them time to recalibrate their lives.

Unlike alcohol or drug addiction treatment, sex addiction therapy does not seek to eliminate sex from a person's life. Instead the goal is to bring the behaviors under control, to where they are not causing problems in the person's life. To do this, however, a period of sexual abstinence is involved. This removes the addict from the cycle they have become wrapped in, and it does so with methods beyond the addict's willpower. In some programs, addicts are monitored by professionals and other addicts who are assigned as partners to newer patients. These partners are farther along in treatment and are where they can provide guidance and support as well as accountability.

These rehab programs involve a stay at some sort of facility; however the addict is not there 24 hours a day. Some facilities have the patient stay there the bulk of the day, while they commute home or stay in a nearby hotel or some other form of accommodation.

The time spent at the facility is used to get the sex addict back on track so they can continue rehab on their own. They do not have access to the Internet, pornography, or other sexual materials.

Professionals there can use medications and other techniques to inhibit sexual behavior if necessary. Meanwhile, addicts are taught replacement behavior therapy and replacement thought therapy. They attend group counseling and are introduced to a 12-step program. The abstinence period pulls the addict from the sex addiction cycle and allows the treatment techniques to take root.

Once the stay at the facility is complete, the sex addict will likely attend routine group meetings to track their progress. At this stage, many programs will start to involve the patient's loved ones who will provide support. Some programs bring family and spouses in sooner.

Other rehab programs are strictly in-patient, where the sex addict sleeps at the facility. These tend to be for patients with severe levels of addiction, or whose behaviors place themselves and others at risk.

Before enrolling, it is essential to make certain the facility has proper credentials. Get references and look to see if a program has clearly defined goals. A patient will want to focus on getting better in a timely manner, as stays in programs can incur a heavy cost. Be sure to remember there is no quick fix for sex addiction. Time and commitment are key, and expect to have a list of goals to be met within certain time parameters.

Taking Medicines and Supplements to Help You

Health and fitness are important for people at any age, but they become of increased concern when a person grows older and finds that his body may be deteriorating. Anti-aging products have become very plentiful.

Years ago when my mother was living as an older woman, she visited her brother and his wife in another state. She was surprised at how many pills they took on a daily basis. They had both been pharmacists who believed in the medicines they ingested each day. They believed that they were being helped by the various products. Indeed, they enjoyed good health and fitness throughout their long lives.

The world is full of medicines. You cannot turn on the television without seeing commercials for all manner of prescription medicines which are available for all kinds of physical and mental problems. Doctors seem happy to prescribe pills for every imaginable ailment which should also make the drug companies and pharmacists happy with the business. However, some people are leery of using a lot of prescription drugs because of all the possible side effects which sound much worse than the illness which may be present. People are advised to inform their doctor of all medicines and supplements which they are taking.

Nutritional supplements and vitamin products which are said to contain so called natural ingredients are equally plentiful. They line the shelves of grocery and drug stores. They are available in large quantities at various discount and wholesale membership outlets. It is a huge business said to be in the trillions of dollars a year.

Some people who are looking for better health and fitness through using nutritional supplements are finding that they are able to use products which seem to help them while at the same time pursuing a home based business opportunity in network marketing. This industry has dozens of now quite well known companies selling all manner of supplements intended to help a person feel and look better.

While they are forbidden from making health claims about their products, the people who use them are able to share their success stories with others who may be interested. In this manner, they are able to get others to buy the products as well so they may start to earn some money as they consume products in which they have faith. They do have to share information about the products and the business opportunity to ever make any money in the business.

Better health and fitness can be achieved by most people no matter what age they are. It seems to be a well known fact that people are living longer and will begin to have even greater longevity in their lives. Trying to feel better as you age is a worthy goal for anyone.

Nature's Secrets to Looking Younger

With growing age, the functions of human body start to decline and slow down. Everybody wants to look fresh and younger. There are many aspects of getting your skin radiant and glowing. You can achieve it by applying some natural techniques. One of the effective methods is to protect your skin from harmful rays of the sun. These rays can cause your skin to become dry and wrinkled. Bathing in sun is important to get Vitamin D, however excess of it can cause certain side effects. If you incorporate the below mentioned techniques into your lifestyle, you will look younger in a natural way.

Balanced Diet and Workout

A healthy diet will help your body to receive all those vitamins and energy, which are required to keep it younger. You need to follow some good diet routines, which carry the right combination of ingredients required by human body.

Apart from diet, you will also need to do regular exercise. This would help your muscles to remain energetic and make you more active. The proper circulation of blood to different parts of your body will help your skin to nourish. When you perform workout, your body releases hormones which create a feeling of happiness. After stressful job routines, it's crucial to do exercise in order to fight aging issues.

Drink Water

The epidermal skin is naturally composed of 40% water, so it's important to keep it hydrated. You can do it by drinking lots of water, which will also help to remove toxins and harmful chemical from your body. When going out, you should always keep a bottle of water with you at all times. If you drink seven to eight glasses of water each day, you will see positive results within a month.

Keeping Your Body Clean

This is one of the most important aspects of maintaining a good health of skin, which ultimately helps you to look younger naturally. Always wash your face before going to bed and when you wake up early in the morning. It's especially important for women, who use lots of makeup on their face. If it's left on face without being washed, it can damage your skin by blocking skin pores. When your skin is clogged, it doesn't get the right amounts of oxygen to nourish. Cleaning your skin will help it to get rid of wrinkles and dryness. It would also help the cells to tighten up, which gives skin a warm and fresh look.


Some people use makeups and other sort of supplements to make their skin look better. However, makeups can only hide the reality for certain period of time. They tend to destroy your natural skin due to various chemical present inside them. If you want to use supplements, then you should only opt for those which carry natural ingredients. This will help you to remain safe from possible side-effects of using them.

Top 10 Functional Fitness Anti Aging Exercises

Prevention is always the best cure, and by adopting 10 simple anti-aging exercises into a functional fitness routine to increase your strength, flexibility and heart health, you can retain your youthful vigor and appearance while avoiding many of the common conditions that accompany aging, such as osteoporosis.

These exercises target areas of the body that frequently suffer painful and debilitating degeneration if not properly stimulated -- especially knees, hips and shoulders. A recent study conducted at the Lausanne University in Switzerland entitled "The Exercise -- Anti-Aging Connection" firmly concludes that "Regular physical exercise is a cornerstone in the anti-aging game."

1. Toe Touches - Lift your arms above your head and slowly bring them down in a graceful arc until you touch your toes. Hold for 10 seconds. This helps you to increase and maintain your range of motion so you continue to bend down without pain. Repeat this exercise to increase the range of motion in your spine and legs.

2. Balance Exercises - Lift your arms above your head again, but this time rise up on your tip toes and stretch up as far as possible. Hold for 5 seconds. Gradually lower your arms to shoulder level while finding your center of balance. Then slowly lower your arms as you sink down on your heels. Repeat until you feel centered. This will help you maintain your inner balance and avoid accidental falls.

3. Shoulder Stretches - Stand up straight and extend your arms behind your back. Clasp your hands behind your back. By 'unlocking' the muscles in your shoulders, you have more flexibility to reach high shelves and remove objects without causing strain.

4. Hip Circumduction - Put your hands behind your back and stand on one foot while you raise the other a few inches and point it forward. Slowly rotate your foot in a circular motion. Stand on both feet again, then repeat the motion with the other foot. This strengthens the muscles that surround your hips to help protect against hip fractures.

5. Squats - With your hands extended straight out, do some simple squats to strengthen your torso muscles and improve your balance so you can easily get in and out of cars.

6. Resistance - Place your hands against a wall and lean your body at an angle while on your tip toes. Feel your calf muscles and your upper body strengthen. This resistance helps to strengthens bones against osteoporosis.

7. Shoulder Stretch - Rotate your shoulders in a circular motion to increase lubricant in your joints and decrease joint pain.

8. Tricep Extensions - Sit up straight in a chair, place your hands on the arm rests lift yourself up 15x to increase your upper body strength.

9. Plyometric exercises - Stand on one leg with arms slightly behind your body. Propel your body up as high as possible, reaching up your arms and springing from your legs. Perform 3 times in rapid succession, then lower your foot and repeat on the other side. This "Michael Jordan" move creates the kind of explosive energy boost that maintains the muscle power that we lose as we age and is good for carrying suitcases.

10. Core muscles - Now that all the outer muscles are warmed up and flexible, it is important to set the 'core muscles' that support your body's framework. Stand up very straight with your feel planted firmly on the ground. Contract your abdomen by imagining you are drawing your belly button down to the base of your spine. Once you have the bottom muscles set, imagine there is a cord coming from the center of your chest pulling your breastbone up. Naturally allow your shoulders to fall back as you look up. Breathe normally while you hold this position and tighten all of your outer muscles around your core muscles. Maintain full body tension as long as possible, then relax them all at once. Repeat numerous times, noticing how your body tightens a little more with each repetition.

Once you have completed your routine, rest for a moment and allow your heart rate to return to normal. Also drink a glass of water to help remove any toxins that your body naturally releases when exercising to further enhance the anti-aging effects of your functional fitness.

What Is The Best Memory Enhancer For You

The problem with finding out what is 'best' for any particular person is the fact that what may be the 'best' for you might not necessarily be the best for someone else. In fact, in many situations, what is the best for many people can turn out to be the worst possible option for many others. When figuring out what is the 'best' solution for memory enhancement, we have to remember that there is no such thing as a 'cookie cutter' solution. Different people from many different backgrounds have different daily routines and have different issues affecting them. Figuring out the best memory enhancement regimen or product for these individuals must recognize their unique situations and circumstances.

By addressing subjective differences and factoring in the specific circumstances and situations for each person, we can find what is 'best' for them. This is the only sensible solution to determining the 'best' solution-especially when it comes to something as delicate and sensitive as memory function. Keep the following tips in mind when looking for a memory enhancer that best fits your particular situation.

Figure out your level of memory deterioration

When trying to solve memory degradation, you don't want to put yourself in a situation where you are taking out ants with a flamethrower. In other words, there is no need to spend lots of money, time, and effort on brain boosting enhancements when you only need a little help. Similarly, you don't want to put yourself in a situation where you're trying to put out a fire by throwing thimbles full of water at the flames either. To avoid either scenario, you need an honest assessment of your memory state.

How bad are your memory problems? How often do you forget things? Do you forget things so much that it actually gets in the way of your life enjoyment or might subject you to possible harm or security risks? Figure out how bad your situation is before considering possible solutions.

Start low and slow

Once you have figured out the extent of your memory deterioration, you need to start slow. Start implementing memory boosting regimens and see if there is any improvement. If you see improvement, continue with the current level of memory boosting activities. If not, you need to ramp things up until you see some improvement. If you reach a point where you feel that you have done all you could do on an individual basis, you may need to go see your physician for professional intervention. At this point, medication and possible facility care might be in order. Regardless, when trying to address your memory issues, it is a good idea to start low and start slow. Again, you don't want to put yourself in a situation where you overreact and blast away at your problems when it turns out that a softer and gradual approach would have done the job.

Start with lifestyle

A lot of memory deterioration has to do with lifestyle. If you live a sedentary and hermit-like lifestyle, your chances of developing memory loss or degradation issues is higher than if you live a fairly active lifestyle and you constantly exercise your interpersonal skills. Be more active. Jog or walk around the block. Greet your neighbors and practice your ability to connect faces with names.

Remember a few details for each face you meet. Try to get more sleep. Sleep deprivation helps suppress brain function. Make sure you get eight hours of uninterrupted sleep at night. You may want to exercise twice during the day-in the morning and in the evening so you can be tired enough to sleep all the way through the night. Watch what you eat. Eat a healthier low-fat high-fiber diet to boost your cardiovascular health. Your brain is very oxygen hungry and it requires optimal blood flow levels. Give this to your brain by watching what you eat and exercising right. Lifestyle is the best memory enhancer available.

Use food supplements

Gingko Biloba has been used by the Chinese for hundreds of years for memory enhancement. There are other supplements on the market which help aid memory and recall capabilities. Try these food supplements to help boost your overall blood flow.

What Is The Best Brain Food For You?

The old saying 'you are what you eat' is definitely true when it comes to our brains. Our brains are dramatically impacted by our diet. If we eat foods that are rich in fat and cholesterol, our brains tend to suffer from the consequences of hypertension, and the stress on the body inflicted by a high-fat diet. Conversely, if you want to keep your brain in optimal shape, you need to eat a diet that supplies the right combination of nutrients and vitamins, which will keep your brain's processes humming along quite nicely. Here are profiles of some of the best foods available for boosting mental processes and overall brain health.


It's a very interesting and fitting coincidence that shelled walnuts look like miniature brains. Their appearance is interesting because walnuts contain high levels of omega 3 which help boost brain function. It is quite interesting to see a nut that looks very similar to a brain be so beneficial for human brains. Omega-3 fatty acids acids help boost overall brain functions while other compounds in walnut help relieve oxidative stress on the brain which helps fend off Alzheimer's. Additionally, Walnuts contain high levels of Vitamin E, which helps arrest cognitive decline which usually comes with age.


Studies indicate that blueberries help reduce oxidative stress on brain tissue. This has been linked to a reduction in the effects of Alzheimer's and other age-related conditions. Additionally, studies have shown blueberries improved the motor skills and learning capacity of older lab rats. Blueberries can help older individuals preserve their mental hardware in old age.


Avocados have high levels of monounsaturated fat. This type of fat is healthy and helps boost overall blood flow. Increased blood flow to the brain is a necessary condition of increased brain function and effectiveness. In fact, by boosting blood flow, avocados reduce hypertension. Hypertension has been linked to a reduction of the brain's overall cognitive abilities.

Nuts and seeds

Flaxseed has a decent level of omega 3s. As mentioned earlier, omega 3 helps boost overall brain function and can help with enhanced cognitive abilities. Sunflower seeds are also great brain-boosting seeds. In addition to flaxseed, individuals who are looking to strengthen their brain's overall health should also try a wide range of nuts. Since nuts pack lots of Vitamin E, they make for great brain-boosting snacks. Some nuts that are great for your brain include peanuts, filberts, cashews, brazil nuts, and almonds also have high levels of Vitamin E.


Beans help stabilize the blood's glucose levels. Since the brain needs glucose for energy, beans help deliver optimal amounts of energy to the brain without dramatic spikes in glucose. Beans help deliver a stead stream of energy the brain needs for optimal performance. Beans are also great for cardiovascular health since they help with nitric oxide levels. High nitric oxide levels help increase blood flow. The brain benefits when overall blood flow improves.

Pomegranate juice

You have probably heard of antioxidants' health boosting benefits. Antioxidants help suppress the amount of cancer-causing free radicals in organs. Pomegranate juice has a high level of antioxidants. Drink lots of pomegranate juice to help cut down on the number of antioxidants which might harm your brain. If you don't like pomegranate juice, you can also try a wide variety of citrus juices. These juices also have decent levels of antioxidants.

Dark Chocolate

Cocoa has a high level of antioxidants which can cut down on cancer-causing free radicals that can harm your brain. Additionally, this yummy substance also contains caffeine which helps increase energy level and mental focus.

How Men Become Porn Addicts

There are many reasons why a man might become a porn addict. Pornography addiction is more widely reported among males than females. The reason for a particular person's porn addiction often needs to be considered more than the addiction itself. So what are some reasons why a man might become a pornography addict?

With the advent of high speed Internet, personal devices and the ease of access, it is easier than ever to access pornographic images and find exactly what you're looking for. Watching pornography is rather widely accepted in the Western male culture - gone are the days of subscribing to porn magazines, and hiding them from spouses. It is simple to click onto a porn website, view the images, and quickly close the web browser. This easy access can spiral into addiction for some people, especially those who may have an abundance of free time or a lack of strong interpersonal romantic or sexual bonds.

Men often feel it is difficult to meet attractive women. They may lack the self-confidence to frequent bars, clubs, and community events to find a desirable woman. Insecure men may think such a woman might be unapproachable, may never respond to them, or that a relationship would be next to impossible. Pornography is a seemingly perfect solution to this purported problem; attractive women, with no risk of rejection or the possibility of an unhappy ending to a relationship. To some, the very one-sided aspect of pornography makes the so-called relationship safe and useful to the viewer, and to others this "safe" relationship mirrors what is often lacking in a real relationship.

Men may also feel their sex lives are boring, and are convinced pornography will spice things up. They may introduce new practices and techniques into the relationship with their partners. However, as often is the case, these new techniques prove unsatisfying and their sexual satisfaction unfulfilled, This disappointment leads to more and more hours spent watching pornography in search of more ways to breathe new life into a sex life otherwise viewed as boring and monotonous.

Some porn addicts have odd sexual fantasies long before they begin watching porn, and often prefer fulfilling these fantasies by watching porn videos, rather than to dare reveal these illusions to another human being. They may feel safer and less exposed living out the fantasy alone, especially if the fantasy is particularly violent or perverse. Otherwise they may just feel it is easier to fulfill their fantasy through pornography rather than revealing the hidden desire and potentially complicating a relationship.

For whatever the reason a particular man becomes a porn addict, it is important for him to get help when he feels ready for it. Help is available through individual or group therapy and Twelve-Step programs, which are especially valuable when it comes to forming a strong support network to help throughout the recovery process. Whichever method the suffering addicts choses to employ, admitting the problem exists, and seeking help are the first steps to a successful recovery from porn addiction.

What Is The Difference Between Intrusive and Exploitative Sex Addiction

Of the many forms sex addiction can take, the most harmful both to the addict and their victims has to be intrusive and exploitative sex addiction. It is important to note that not all sex addiction drives people to commit criminal acts, or that such behavior is a given part of the progression. A person addicted to masturbation and pornography is not predestined to escalate the behavior to groping strangers or worse.

First we should discuss the difference between intrusive and exploitative sex addiction. Each, when they rise to the level of addiction, are behaviors being used to provoke a response in the brain that triggers reward chemicals and helps the addict suppress any negative emotions. The addict cannot control their behavior, despite facing harmful consequences.

Intrusive sex generally involves groping, touching in inappropriate ways, frottage, or the invasion of personal space. It can happen in a variety of forms, ranging from subtle to overt. The physical act of touching a person in a sexual manner triggers the desired response in the brain, and as the behavior continues it can escalate in frequency and overtness.

In an early stage, the sex addict will be subtle about the touches. They can begin as non-sexual touching, perhaps on the shoulder, as a way to "test the waters," or work up the courage to go further. More intrusive touching can come in the form of "accidental" touching. For example, a sex addict may brush their hand against another's buttocks after casually arranging to bump into them.

This behavior can occur with people the addict knows, or it can happen with strangers in crowded public places. Subway cars are a common location for this, as people often find themselves standing closer to strangers than they normally would. The transitory and public nature of the environment also affords the opportunity for the groper to make a getaway, or go off completely undetected. While this does not approach a full sexual assault, victims of this behavior may not be eager to call attention to it in a crowded public place, especially if they are alone.

This behavior is, of course, illegal and in most places considered a serious sex crime. While not the most serious of sex crimes, it rises above the level of exhibitionism (flashing, exposing one's self) and voyeurism (Peeping Toms), and can get the perpetrator convicted and placed on the sex offender registry. This can have a far-reaching, long-term impact on a person's life, and unfortunately treatment for it often doesn't come through the corrections' system until after the damage is done.

Exploitative sex includes more extreme behaviors than intrusive sex. Rape and molestation fall into this category, but the real distinction involves the power dynamic between the person with this form of addiction and the victim. The abuser can occupy a position of power in the victim's life, being a boss, parent, clergy, teacher, caretaker, or abusive partner. As a sex addiction, exploitative sex is one of the most damaging to the victim, more so than to the addict whose needs are being fulfilled. Getting treatment for this addiction can be difficult, since most perpetrators who end up with the treatment get it only after the legal system has taken over.

The term sex offender is likely to be used more than addict. Not all sex offenders may have sex addiction, but because of the nature of the actions it can be a difficult line to distinguish.

The Perfect Acne Solution

For anyone who has bad skin, finding the perfect acne solution can often feel like an uphill climb. Acne can really be a nightmare for a number of reasons. The actual root cause of acne is still unknown and as a result, there is no acne solution that can guarantee to clear up acne 100%. Some people go through life without a single attack while others spend the majority of their teenage years struggling with it. And if that wasn't enough, some acne will leave lasting scars.

It seems like anything to do with acne control is firmly set in the middle of the road; therefore, there is no way a person can control acne. Is there nothing that you can do to try to lessen your chances of contracting acne? The good news is that, although there is no cure for acne, there are definitely a number of acne solutions, which can control its outbreak.

Healthy Inside Out

One thing that we do know about acne is that it often flares up when there is an excess secretion of oil from the sebaceous glands. This extra oil often collects in pores and hair follicles and if it comes into contact with bacteria, then acne is formed. Acne can flare up in a number of ways- some people get tiny pimples, often referred to as whiteheads. If these turn black, they are known as blackheads. Some flare up into angry red blister-like formations that are known as zits.

On an external level, you can help tackle acne by clearing your face with a gentle but regular washing routine. Wiping off excess oil is also helpful. But perhaps one of the most effective ways to tackle acne has nothing to do with your skin and everything to do with good nutrition. Studies have shown that people, who have a healthy diet as well as an active lifestyle, are less likely to have acne attacks than those with sedentary and non-nutritious eating habits. Having a healthy diet that is rich in fresh fruit and vegetables as well as high water intake can vastly reduce your chances of contracting severe acne and can prove to the best acne solution.

Get With the Program

A perfect acne solution is much easier to incorporate than you think, and best of all it will not cost you a lot either. There are a few easy ways in which you can not only build up resistance to acne, but also find out, if something in your body is triggering it. First of all check if you have any food allergies. An allergic reaction to certain foods is one of the leading causes for severe acne attacks. If you have a problem with acidity and digestion, it could be a cause for acne, as the body cannot absorb any nutrients. Avoiding such food can again prove to be a good acne solution.

The complete acne solution has a number of things you should definitely incorporate into your diet, like water. Drinking plenty of water will help flush out toxins from your body and blood stream. Fresh vegetables and fruits are a great way to rejuvenate and revitalize your skin. Opting for sea salt rather than iodized salt can also help. There are also a number of foods that can be avoided like; junk food, as this is one of the leading causes of acne, also it is a good idea to avoid anything that contains refined sugar, fat or any kind of processed food. Anything that contains trans fatty acids should definitely be avoided. While, this program is not an acne cure, it is an acne solution that can really help you in your battle with acne.

7 Principles of Daily Meditation to Cure Your Acne

"Daily meditation can help you to relieve stress, which in turn help you to prevent acne aggravation."
Do you know that stress is the biggest cause of acne persistence? If you are depressed with your acne condition, then you will most likely keep your acne persist in your face. This is particularly true in the case of severe acne condition, whether cystic or rosacea, which can be difficult to cure unless you can remove stress from your mind. That's why daily meditation can help you to cure your acne more effectively. It helps to relieve your stress and prevent acne aggravation.

Daily meditation can help you to relax your body and mind. Here are 7 principles of daily meditation to cure your acne:

1. You should do breathing exercise for at least 15 minutes per day

All meditation exercises will involve breathing exercises to some extent. So, you have to do breathing exercise if you want to get the best result from your meditation. Spend at least 15 minutes per day (in the morning or in the evening) to do breathing exercise in a calm and quiet place with good air circulation. This exercise will help you to calm your mind and control your thoughts.

2. You should keep your mind relaxed throughout the day

It is important for you to keep your mind relaxed throughout the day, not only during your meditation session. The purpose of the daily meditation is to keep your mind calm and free from stress all day. Of course, it might seem impossible for you, but know that there are people out there who can keep their mind relaxed, even during stressful situation. It means that you can do it too.

3. You should keep positive thoughts in your mind

The biggest cause of stress is negative thinking pattern. When you see the world with the eyes of the pessimist, then you will experience constant stress in your mind. Try to switch your thinking pattern to a positive one. Keep positive thoughts in your mind. Try to see things with the eyes of the optimist.

4. You should focus on joy and happiness in your life

When you focus on the doom and gloom in your life, you won't be able to remove stress from your mind, no matter how hard you try. Why? That's because you are focusing on the manifestation of the stress itself. You should focus on better things. Find joy and happiness in your life.

5. You should not lament and complaint with your condition

Lamenting and complaining about your acne will not make your skin better. Instead, you will make it worse because your own complaining will add more to the depression that you experience. So, stop lamenting and complaining about your condition.

6. You should believe and hope for the best for yourself

Believe and hope for the best for yourself while doing the necessary steps to cure your acne. When you apply a treatment for your acne, you won't get the best result of that treatment if you believe that it will fail to cure your acne. That's why you have to believe and hope for the best.

7. You should give your body and mind proper rest

Overworking your body will only put more strains in your body. The same goes with your mind. Thinking too much will make your head spin and it will eventually lead to stress. So, give proper rest to your mind and body.

When you focus on the 7 principles of daily meditation above, you will be able to remove stress from your mind. Then, you will see less and less acne in your face.

Top 7 Tips to Cure Acne Naturally at Home

These Tips Will Help You to Cure Your Acne without Spending Money on Dermatologist Visit

Do you want to get rid of your acne naturally? You can do it easily at home. However, you have to understand that it takes time to completely cure your acne. You simply can't do it overnight. Forget about people who say that you can cure your acne in a day. That's impossible, especially if you have severe or chronic acne condition.

If you want to get rid of your acne naturally, doing some natural treatments at home will save you thousands of dollars of dermatologist visit. In fact, you can use the things that you usually find in your home to cure your acne.

Here are top 7 tips to cure acne naturally at home:

1. Detoxification. This is the most important thing that you need to do in order to cure your acne naturally. Why? That's because by eliminating toxins within your body, you will be able to prevent acne from appearing in your skin. Also, you can get rid of acne fairly quickly with this method.

2. Essential oil treatment. Essential oils can help to rejuvenate your skin. They are also helpful to treat your acne without damaging your skin. You can apply essential oils to your face regularly in order to lessen your acne symptom.

3. Honey facial treatment. Honey can help to ease your inflammation and swelling. It has strong antioxidant properties that will be helpful to fight your acne. You can apply honey as a facial mask. Do this treatment twice a day for the best result.

4. Use cucumber. Cucumber can help you to fight your acne from inside as well as outside. You can eat cucumber regularly in order to flush out toxins from your body and ease your acne symptom. You can also apply cucumber pulp as acne mask in order to rejuvenate your skin.

5. Daily meditation. It is important for you to avoid stress at all times when you have acne. Why? That's because stress can aggravate your acne and make it worse. That's why you need to do some daily meditation exercises to keep your mind away from stress. It can be helpful to reduce your acne symptoms.

6. Use almond. Almond as well as almond oil are the best friends for your skin. Almond can give healthy nutrition to your skin and solve your acne problem easily. Eating almond regularly will help to cure your acne naturally and make your skin smoother and younger. Almond oil can also help to keep your skin in healthy condition.

7. Skin exfoliation treatment. It is important for you to exfoliate your skin regularly since dead skin cells can easily clog your pores and make your acne worse. Use baking soda mask to exfoliate your skin and remove dead skin cells that are clogging your pores. In this way, you can keep your skin fresh, smooth, and healthy.

By applying the top 7 tips above, you will be able to cure your acne naturally at home, without using chemicals or spending too much money on dermatologist visit.

Setting Your Bottom Line In Sex Addiction Recovery

The process of recovery from sex addiction is long and challenging. Part of the recovery process involves setting your "bottom line." Setting a bottom line is a common concept in recovery from any form of addiction. The process of setting a bottom line isn't necessarily a conscious one, but each addict will come to recognize or understand his or her bottom line throughout the recovery process. It can be useful to break up a bottom line into three separate parts: red light, yellow light and green light.

Red light behaviors are sexual behaviors that are destructive, addictive and lead to sexual preoccupation and out-of-control behaviors. These include behaviors where even one instance could lead to serious consequences such as arrest, transmission of HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases, loss of job and loss of a primary relationship. Red light behaviors also include any behavior that "makes you crazy" or starts a sexually compulsive acting-out cycle. These are behaviors that an addict must commit not to engage in, making them, his or her bottom line. Red light behaviors will differ from one sex addict to another, and each addict must discover and commit to on his or her own.

Yellow light behaviors can be broken down into two separate categories: boundary behaviors and caution behaviors. Boundary behaviors are those that you cannot engage in, but are not as severe in their consequence as red light behaviors. Again, these behaviors will be different for each sex addict.

A common example of a boundary behavior might be viewing pornography on the Internet. Caution behaviors are those that you made the decision not to give up. However, you are still aware that they need to be monitored to prevent them from spiraling out of control. A common one may be masturbation. Again, each person will have different caution behaviors.. Yellow light behaviors can really go either way for a recovering sex addict. Some sex addicts may need to stay away from masturbation completely, while others may find it to be a healthy activity if closely self-monitored. The key with yellow light behaviors, both boundary and caution, is to know yourself and be able to recognize when your behaviors are close to getting out of control.

Green light behaviors are the behaviors on which you really should be focusing your energy in your daily life on the road to recovery from sex addiction. These behaviors include establishing healthy relationships, dating and engaging in healthy sexual behaviors with a partner. Work on making green light behaviors the focus of your energies each day and over time you will not even think about the yellow and red behaviors. The more you engage in your new healthy lifestyle, the more fulfilling healthy sexual behaviors will become.

It can be hard at the outset of the recovery process to know what your bottom line is, but over time you will begin to recognize what behaviors are red, yellow and green.

The Double Life of Sex Addiction

Sex addicts are just like you and I, with the exception that they are struggling with a disorder that is gradually consuming more and more of their lives. Because sex addiction causes addicts to continually increase and escalate their sexually compulsive behaviors, they begin to lead double lives. They lead their normal life the best they can and live every moment of the day for their addictive life. Over time the normal life will unravel as the addictive life consumes more and more of time and energy.

For addicts, this issue is a deep, haunting secret. They live in constant fear of being caught. Tension, anxiety and stress built up as a result of having to live a secret double life. The compulsion to engage in sexual behaviors becomes more and more time consuming and the addict finds that he has to constantly escalate his behaviors just to achieve a sense of normalcy in his life. Along with a deteriorating emotional state, many addicts suffer from severe consequences as a result of their double life.

Relationships suffer as a result of this addiction. When a sex addict is living a double life, he tends to withdraw from everyone, including his spouse or life partner. This means that his relationships will suffer and in some cases become broken. The person he is in a relationship with will find it difficult to understand his change in behavior. Naturally, the addict will not be able to explain that change out of fear of revealing his double life.

Leading a double life often has serious financial implications as well. Individuals begin to neglect their responsibilities or are unable to perform well at work as a result of engaging in sexually addictive behaviors the night or morning before work. In some cases, addicts may even be engaging in sexual behaviors while at work, to the detriment of their duties. All of these instances of neglect will eventually add up, and employers will be left with no choice but to terminate the person.

Repeated warnings will not be enough for an addict to stop the neglectful behavior from continuing.
Another source of stress and financial burden comes from the expenses related to leading a double life as a sex addict. Just like gambling, alcohol and drug addictions, sex addiction can become quite costly. The costs of pornography, online sex chats, phone sex chat lines, prostitutes, strip clubs, adult videos and books and other sexually related goods can add up to huge debt for the sex addict. The burden of covering up these expenses combined with the looming debt will only add to the pressure the addict is experiencing while trying to keep his double life a secret.

Over time, this double life can lead to severe consequences such as divorce or loss of a house. Unfortunately, like any other addiction, the individual will need to make the decision to seek help, and it often takes serious consequences to convince a sex addict to get help. However, once the addict makes that decision, there are many effective programs that can lead him to lifelong recovery.

Sex Addiction Stereotypes

Sex addiction is a widely misunderstood disease. As a result there are many stereotypes associated with the addiction. If any progress is to be made in raising public awareness about sexual addiction, it is important to understand those stereotypes and debunk them as much as possible. Most people genuinely don't understand how someone can be addicted to sex. Many people do not have a healthy understanding of sex due to lack of education and sex used as a marketing tool. Because every healthy adult has a strong desire for sex, many people just assume that sex addiction is an excuse for reckless sexual activity.

Stereotype 1 - Only men are sex addicts.

While this is a commonly held stereotype, it simply is not true. Although there may be fewer women in treatment for sex addiction, women can be and are sex addicts. Robert Weiss, director of the Sexual Recovery Institute in Los Angeles, states that up to 12 percent of people who seek out help at the Institute are women. However, Weiss believes that many more women suffer in silence out of fear to come forward.

He suggests that "women may not address their problems with sexual addiction because media stories indicate it is a male problem, showing men engaging in behaviors like affairs, obsessive sexting and online pornography. Additionally, women may be more likely than men to respond to stress or negative emotions with addictive behaviors such as overeating, spending too much or abusing drugs or alcohol - but few research studies have explored the connection between women and sexual addiction."

Therefore it is clear that this stereotype is false and may actually cause some women to stay hidden with their addiction. It is easy to understand how a woman who is suffering from addiction would be reluctant to come forward when she believes that it is abnormal for a woman to be suffering from a stereotypically male addiction.

Stereotype 2 - Sex addiction isn't a real addiction.

There are plenty of people who think that sexual addiction isn't a legitimate addiction. Often this stereotype exists because people find it hard to believe that someone can be addicted to sex and sexual activity. Instead, they believe that these people are just lacking in morals or in the ability to control their desires. However, the medical profession is making progress in defining and outlining the symptoms of this poorly understood addiction.
It is important for people to understand that sex addiction is very similar to drug or alcohol addiction. While it is less understood by the general public, the symptoms are very similar. In fact, many sexual addiction recovery programs have adapted their 12 step program from the one used in Alcoholics Anonymous.

Stereotype 3 - Sex addicts love sex and sexual activities.

Healthy adults naturally love sex and sexual activities. It is just part of the natural order of things. A common stereotype about sex addicts is that they love sex more than normal healthy people do. The opposite is actually true. Those struggling with sex addiction actually do not enjoy sex that much and they do it out of a compulsion. They don't love it and in many cases they have a strong desire to stop the sexual activities that are driving their addiction.

People with an addiction cannot stop their behavior, even when faced with severe consequences. It is important for the public to go beyond their understanding of sex as a pleasurable activity and look at it as something that sex addicts need to continue doing to fuel their addiction. The addicts often feel a strong sense of guilt, shame and embarrassment for their actions. They are not proud of what they are doing and often go to great lengths to hide their addiction until they reach the breaking point and seek out help.

Stereotype 4 - Sexual addiction is just an excuse for inappropriate behavior.

This stereotype is often reinforced by stories that people hear. For example, say a husband has had multiple affairs, lost his job and left his family to face a devastating break-up and financial ruin. The claim is that he is a sex addict. Others who are looking at the situation tend to believe that he is just using that as an excuse for his actions. It is a common assumption and honestly one that is understandable from the viewpoint of an outsider.

However, this person has likely gone through a severe inner struggle with his addiction and come to a point where he is seeking help. While his life may be in ruins, if he seeks help he can take the first steps towards a lifelong recovery process. Some men may try to use sex addiction as an excuse for affairs, but a genuine sex addiction is real and is certainly not just an excuse for inappropriate behavior.

Recovering From Sex Addiction

Sex addiction recovery is a long and painful process. However, each step along the way is necessary for true growth and a successful lifelong recovery. The first step in any sex addict's recovery is understanding that he or she has an addiction. Until the addict accepts that he or she has an addiction, recovery cannot happen.

After a sex addict identifies his or her addiction, he or she must make a commitment to seek help. Once the decision has been made to get help, there are many avenues that addicts can take to seek recovery. These options include addiction treatment programs, cognitive behavior therapy, interpersonal therapy, group therapy and 12 step programs.

Sex Addiction Treatment Programs

Many addicts find that sex addiction treatment programs are ideal for their recovery efforts. For one, they provide in-patient treatment with a comprehensive approach to recovery. At the start of recovery, it is easier to make a clean break from compulsive behaviors if the addict is not living at home where it is easy to fall back into addictive behaviors. Most programs also allow for out-patient treatment as addicts become better equipped to handle the realities of everyday life at home.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Treatment for this addiction often includes cognitive behavior therapy. This type of therapy helps addicts discover the underlying causes of their addiction. A majority of sex addicts report having experienced some form of abuse or neglect as a child. Others grew up in households where one or more parents were addicts. Some report early exposure to sexual activity or pornographic materials as a gateway to later compulsive behaviors. No matter what the underlying causes of the addiction is, cognitive behavior therapy helps people identify them and then learn how to deal with them post-addiction. Therapists usually encourage recovering addicts to find an activity such as exercising to take the place of sexually addictive behaviors when the compulsion arises.

Interpersonal Therapy

Interpersonal therapy is what most people think of when they hear the word therapy. Essentially, it is talk therapy. Talking is very therapeutic, especially for addicts who are isolated and depressed. Much of the burden that addicts have been carrying around can be relieved by simply expressing their emotions to a trained therapist. Therapists also prescribe medication to help facilitate the recovery process throughout interpersonal therapy treatment.

Group Therapy and 12 Step Programs

The guilt and shame that sex addicts experience are often best treated in group therapy. Being able to hear the experiences of other addicts and share their own experiences help them understand that they are not alone. Group therapy provides a supportive and safe environment where individuals can recover from their embarrassment, shame, and guilt. 12 step programs are a common form of group therapy. They provide addicts with a structured approach to recovery in a supportive environment. These programs are modeled after the Alcoholics Anonymous program and are widespread throughout the country.

It is important to keep in mind that not every treatment option is going to be right for every individual sex addict. Everyone is different and comes to their addiction from a different set of experiences and circumstances. If you try one treatment option and are not comfortable with it after a reasonable amount of time, then there is no shame in looking elsewhere for a good fit.

How to Prevent Schizophrenia And Neurosis

Your mental health is based on your capacity to think, feel, and sense your reality, so that you may be able to solve your problems and find happiness. However, you are not as intelligent as you may believe and you are insensitive. You may believe that you are a normal person and you have nothing to fear, but if you belong to the human race your mental stability is in danger. You are absurd from birth.

You can become schizophrenic at any time, depending on the events and situations you may face in your daily life.

I know you don't want to think about this possibility. I'm sure you will tell me that a million things can happen to you at any time, but you cannot protect yourself from all dangers.
In this article I will show you how you can protect yourself from all dangers and prevent all mental illnesses through dream translation. The guidance you have in dreams protects you from all dangers because it comes from God.
You will stop believing in illusions and learn many hidden truths.

The route an individual follows when he or she becomes schizophrenic is always the same. The bitter truth is that we already inherit schizophrenia into the biggest part of our brain, since our anti-conscience occupies the biggest part of our brain and psyche. The anti-conscience is our primitive conscience, which didn't evolve with time. It is a schizophrenic conscience because it always ends up on terror and despair.

This primitive conscience is disorganized, but it follows a well-organized process in order to destroy our human conscience through craziness, the same way that all wild animals follow an inherited behavioral program in order to kill their prey. All animals already know which movements they must make in order to imprison and kill another animal before learning this practice. This knowledge is indispensable for their survival, since they are wild animals. All wild animals have the wild nature of the anti-conscience. The anti-conscience is a shark that can think.

The anti-conscience is a wild animal that can think and imprison our conscience into the labyrinth of craziness by following several steps, but it is an idiotic and self-destructive conscience. Our anti-conscience is schizophrenic because it didn't learn how to organize its actions and control its behavior. It is unable to solve its existential problems and find peace. We inherit this absurd conscience because without it we are unable to think.

An individual becomes schizophrenic because he is gradually controlled by his primitive conscience (anti-conscience) as he accepts the absurd suggestions of his anti-conscience, especially after facing traumatic experiences. He makes numerous mistakes, and he ends up on despair. This is how he loses his mind and his anti-conscience manages to control his behavior.

An individual is mentally healthy when he/she doesn't accept the absurd suggestions of his anti-conscience and he manages to eliminate his anti-conscience through consciousness and wisdom.
In order to be a mentally healthy person, you must learn how to accurately translate the meaning of your dreams based on the scientific method of dream interpretation, or submit your dreams for professional dream translation. The unconscious mind discovered by Carl Jung is God's mind.
God shows you how you can eliminate your wild nature and cure your anti-conscience by organizing your thoughts and your behavior.

Life is a complex and dangerous adventure. You must learn how to solve all problems and always behave like a conscious human being. Otherwise, your wild tendencies will ruin your life, and destroy your human conscience.

This means that you have to be able to tame the violent and immoral tendencies you have inherited. If you want to keep your mental stability and evolve, you must learn how be calm, sincere, and friendly. You also have to discern what is good or bad, and condemn hypocrisy, poverty, and terror. You have to be sensitive and understand how others feel, think, and sense their reality.

If you are indifferent to your behavior, your anti-conscience will find ways to control your behavior. Your ego must control your behavior, and not your wild side. However, your ego is selfish and idiotic. Your ego has many absurd desires. Your ego must obey the divine guidance instead of doing what your ignorant and one-sided human conscience desires.

Your one-sided and under-developed conscience is easily manipulated by our absurd and evil anti-conscience because you prefer what is bad. You believe that it is more advantageous for you. This is why you easily fall into your anti-conscience's traps. Then, you become mentally ill, and instead of becoming the brilliant human being you could be, you feel that your life has no meaning.
In order to escape schizophrenia and all the other mental illnesses generated by the anti-conscience you have to be serious and learn how to control your behavior. You will become a mentally healthy person when you will have the behavior of an angel.

You may believe that I'm exaggerating, but the truth is that the people you consider mentally healthy are in fact mentally ill, but their mental illness was not discovered by the scientists of our historical time. For example, today's psychiatrists don't consider indifference or anger as indications of behavioral abnormalities, while they are clear indications of insensitivity and cruelty.
A conscious human being must always be calm and sensitive. A mentally healthy person is not contaminated by the poison of indifference and anger.

Indifference is as cruel as violence. Anger is an explosion of hatred.
By translating the meaning of your dreams you will understand how many of your reactions are abnormal because they are not positive for you and for your community, even though you believe that they are 'normal' reactions. The global abnormalities must not be considered to be normal. Everyone shows abnormal behavior on Earth because everyone inherits an absurd wild conscience that must be tamed.

You have to escape the tragic destiny of your ancestors, and learn how to become a better person until you will attain perfection. Instead of believing that 'nobody is perfect' and living like a rational animal influenced or controlled by your wild side, you should desire to attain spiritual perfection and become a superior person.

You can attain higher levels of knowledge instead of caring about the false information of the hypocritical world. You can become a genius and find bright solutions for problems that no one could solve. You can change the world thanks to your work and your example.
Now that you know the tragic truth about the satanic origin of the human conscience, and now that you know that you have God's guidance in your own dreams, you must pay attention to the unconscious lessons in the dream images. I simplified the dream language for you, and God is an excellent doctor.