There are many reasons why a man might become a porn addict.
Pornography addiction is more widely reported among males than females.
The reason for a particular person's porn addiction often needs to be
considered more than the addiction itself. So what are some reasons why a
man might become a pornography addict?
With the advent of high speed Internet, personal devices and the ease of access, it is easier than ever to access pornographic images and find exactly what you're looking for. Watching pornography is rather widely accepted in the Western male culture - gone are the days of subscribing to porn magazines, and hiding them from spouses. It is simple to click onto a porn website, view the images, and quickly close the web browser. This easy access can spiral into addiction for some people, especially those who may have an abundance of free time or a lack of strong interpersonal romantic or sexual bonds.
Men often feel it is difficult to meet attractive women. They may lack the self-confidence to frequent bars, clubs, and community events to find a desirable woman. Insecure men may think such a woman might be unapproachable, may never respond to them, or that a relationship would be next to impossible. Pornography is a seemingly perfect solution to this purported problem; attractive women, with no risk of rejection or the possibility of an unhappy ending to a relationship. To some, the very one-sided aspect of pornography makes the so-called relationship safe and useful to the viewer, and to others this "safe" relationship mirrors what is often lacking in a real relationship.
Men may also feel their sex lives are boring, and are convinced pornography will spice things up. They may introduce new practices and techniques into the relationship with their partners. However, as often is the case, these new techniques prove unsatisfying and their sexual satisfaction unfulfilled, This disappointment leads to more and more hours spent watching pornography in search of more ways to breathe new life into a sex life otherwise viewed as boring and monotonous.
Some porn addicts have odd sexual fantasies long before they begin watching porn, and often prefer fulfilling these fantasies by watching porn videos, rather than to dare reveal these illusions to another human being. They may feel safer and less exposed living out the fantasy alone, especially if the fantasy is particularly violent or perverse. Otherwise they may just feel it is easier to fulfill their fantasy through pornography rather than revealing the hidden desire and potentially complicating a relationship.
For whatever the reason a particular man becomes a porn addict, it is important for him to get help when he feels ready for it. Help is available through individual or group therapy and Twelve-Step programs, which are especially valuable when it comes to forming a strong support network to help throughout the recovery process. Whichever method the suffering addicts choses to employ, admitting the problem exists, and seeking help are the first steps to a successful recovery from porn addiction.
With the advent of high speed Internet, personal devices and the ease of access, it is easier than ever to access pornographic images and find exactly what you're looking for. Watching pornography is rather widely accepted in the Western male culture - gone are the days of subscribing to porn magazines, and hiding them from spouses. It is simple to click onto a porn website, view the images, and quickly close the web browser. This easy access can spiral into addiction for some people, especially those who may have an abundance of free time or a lack of strong interpersonal romantic or sexual bonds.
Men often feel it is difficult to meet attractive women. They may lack the self-confidence to frequent bars, clubs, and community events to find a desirable woman. Insecure men may think such a woman might be unapproachable, may never respond to them, or that a relationship would be next to impossible. Pornography is a seemingly perfect solution to this purported problem; attractive women, with no risk of rejection or the possibility of an unhappy ending to a relationship. To some, the very one-sided aspect of pornography makes the so-called relationship safe and useful to the viewer, and to others this "safe" relationship mirrors what is often lacking in a real relationship.
Men may also feel their sex lives are boring, and are convinced pornography will spice things up. They may introduce new practices and techniques into the relationship with their partners. However, as often is the case, these new techniques prove unsatisfying and their sexual satisfaction unfulfilled, This disappointment leads to more and more hours spent watching pornography in search of more ways to breathe new life into a sex life otherwise viewed as boring and monotonous.
Some porn addicts have odd sexual fantasies long before they begin watching porn, and often prefer fulfilling these fantasies by watching porn videos, rather than to dare reveal these illusions to another human being. They may feel safer and less exposed living out the fantasy alone, especially if the fantasy is particularly violent or perverse. Otherwise they may just feel it is easier to fulfill their fantasy through pornography rather than revealing the hidden desire and potentially complicating a relationship.
For whatever the reason a particular man becomes a porn addict, it is important for him to get help when he feels ready for it. Help is available through individual or group therapy and Twelve-Step programs, which are especially valuable when it comes to forming a strong support network to help throughout the recovery process. Whichever method the suffering addicts choses to employ, admitting the problem exists, and seeking help are the first steps to a successful recovery from porn addiction.
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